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extend-syntax for T

I've gotten quite a few requests for this, so here it is.
(herald extend)
;;; Extend-syntax for T
;;; The port from MacScheme to T was done by 
;;; 	Mike Coffin (mike@arizona.edu)
;;; When loaded, this file defines two functions, SYNTAX-MATCH? and
;;; EXTEND-SYNTAX->MACRO-EXPANDER, and also installs two macros,
;;; among clauses and check for syntactic errors; it is also available
;;; to the user.
;;; EXTEND-SYNTAX->MACRO-EXPANDER is the basic function.
;;; It translates an argument that looks like 
;;;     ((key1 key2 ...) clause ...)
;;;  --- i.e., the cdr of an extend-syntax form --- into unEVALed code
;;; for a macro-expander.  For example,
;;;   (extend-syntax->macro-expander '((foo) ((foo a b) (+ a b))))
;;;      ==>
;;;   (MACRO-EXPANDER (FOO . X.72)
;;;      (LET ((X.72 (CONS 'FOO X.72)))
;;;         (COND ((SYNTAX-MATCH? '(FOO) '(FOO A B) X.72)
;;;		    `(+ ,(CADR X.72) ,(CADDR X.72)))
;;;		   (ELSE (ERROR "extend-syntax: invalid syntax: ~a~%"
;;;				X.72)))))
;;; EXTENDED-SYNTAX is a macro that returns the actual macro-expander.
;;; This is most useful as an argument to DEFINE-SYNTAX or 
;;;     (define-local-syntax add+1        
;;;	   (extended-syntax (add+1)   
;;;	      ((add+1 x y ...)        
;;;	       (+ 1 x y ...))))       
;;; And finally, the macro EXTEND-SYNTAX, which creates a macro-expander
;;; and then installs it with DEFINE-SYNTAX.  Nice looking but not as
;;; flexible as one might like.
;;; The original header follows.
;;; extend.sch
;;; Copyright (C) 1987 Cadence Research Systems
;;; Permission to copy this software, in whole or in part, to use this
;;; software for any lawful noncommercial purpose, and to redistribute
;;; this software is granted subject to the restriction that all copies
;;; made of this software must include this copyright notice in full.
;;; Cadence makes no warranties or representations of any kind, either
;;; express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties
;;; of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose.

;;; The basic design of extend-syntax is due to Eugene Kohlbecker.  See
;;; "E. Kohlbecker: Syntactic Extensions in the Programming Language Lisp",
;;; Ph.D.  Dissertation, Indiana University, 1986."  The structure of "with"
;;; pattern/value clauses, the method for compiling extend-syntax into
;;; Scheme code, and the actual implementation are due to Kent Dybvig.

;;; Made available courtesy R. Kent Dybvig
;;; MacScheme conversion by Jeff De Vries
;;; note: requires the use of MacScheme Version 1.2 or greater

;; these routines are provided for compatibility with other Schemes.
(define-local-syntax (when condition . actions)
  `(if ,condition
       (block ,@actions)

(define-local-syntax (unless condition . actions)
    `(if ,condition
	 (block ,@actions))

(labels (
 ( (andmap p . args)
   ;; use "first-finish" rule
   (iterate andmap ((args args) (value t))
       (if (iterate any-at-end? ((ls args))
	       (and (pair? ls)
		    (or (not (pair? (car ls)))
			(any-at-end? (cdr ls)))))
	   (let ((value (apply p (map car args))))
	       (and value (andmap (map cdr args) value))))))

 ;; constuctor and access functions for id's.
 ( (id name access control)
   (list name access control))
 ( id-name car)
 ( id-access cadr)
 ( id-control caddr)
 ;; constuctor and access functions for loop's
 ( (loop) (list '()))
 ( loop-ids car)
 ( loop-ids! (setter car))
 ;; alist used to add one more car or cdr to an access chain.
 ( c...rs
   `((car caar . cdar)
     (cdr cadr . cddr)
     (caar caaar . cdaar)
     (cadr caadr . cdadr)
     (cdar cadar . cddar)
     (cddr caddr . cdddr)
     (caaar caaaar . cdaaar)
     (caadr caaadr . cdaadr)
     (cadar caadar . cdadar)
     (caddr caaddr . cdaddr)
     (cdaar cadaar . cddaar)
     (cdadr cadadr . cddadr)
     (cddar caddar . cdddar)
     (cdddr cadddr . cddddr)))
 ;; optimized versions of `(car ,access)
 ( (add-car access)
   (let ((x (and (pair? access) (assq (car access) c...rs))))
       (if (null? x)
	   `(car ,access)
	   `(,(cadr x) ,@(cdr access)))))
 ;; optimized version of `(cdr ,access)
 ( (add-cdr access)
   (let ((x (and (pair? access) (assq (car access) c...rs))))
       (if (null? x)
	   `(cdr ,access)
	   `(,(cddr x) ,@(cdr access)))))
 ( (parse keys pat acc cntl ids)
    ((symbol? pat)
     (if (memq pat keys)
	 (cons (id pat acc cntl) ids)))
    ((pair? pat)
     (if (equal? (cdr pat) '(...))
	 (let ((x (generate-symbol "X")))
	     (parse keys (car pat) x (id x acc cntl) ids))
	 (parse keys (car pat) (add-car acc) cntl
		(parse keys (cdr pat) (add-cdr acc) cntl ids))))
    (else ids)))
 ( (gen keys exp ids loops)
    ((symbol? exp)
     (let ((id (lookup exp ids)))
	 (if (null? id)
		 (add-control! (id-control id) loops)
		 (list 'unquote (id-access id))))))
    ((pair? exp)
      ((eq? (car exp) 'with)
       (unless (syntax-match? '(with) '(with ((p x) ...) e) exp)
	   (error "extend-syntax: invalid 'with' form~a" exp))
       (list 'unquote
	      (map car (cadr exp))
	      (map cadr (cadr exp))
	      (caddr exp)
      ((and (pair? (cdr exp)) (eq? (cadr exp) '...))
       (let ((x (loop)))
	    (gen keys (car exp) ids (cons x loops))
	    (gen keys (cddr exp) ids loops))))
       (let ((a (gen keys (car exp) ids loops))
	     (d (gen keys (cdr exp) ids loops)))
	   (if (and (pair? d) (eq? (car d) 'unquote))
	       (list a (list 'unquote-splicing (cadr d)))
	       (cons a d))))))
    (else exp)))
 ( (gen-with keys pats exps body ids loops)
   (if (null? pats)
       (make-quasi (gen keys body ids loops))
       (let ((p (car pats)) (e (car exps)) (g (generate-symbol "X")))
	   `(let ((,g ,(gen-quotes keys e ids loops)))
		(if (syntax-match? '() ',p ,g)
		      (cdr pats)
		      (cdr exps)
		      (parse '() p g '() ids)
		    (error "extend-syntax: ~a does not fit with pattern ~a, ~a"
			   ',(car keys) ,g ,p)
 ( (gen-quotes keys exp ids loops)
    ((syntax-match? '(quote) '(quote x) exp)
     (make-quasi (gen keys (cadr exp) ids loops)))
    ((pair? exp)
     (cons (gen-quotes keys (car exp) ids loops)
	   (gen-quotes keys (cdr exp) ids loops)))
    (else exp)))
 ( (lookup sym ids)
   (iterate loop ((ls ids))
	((null? ls) nil)
	((eq? (id-name (car ls)) sym) (car ls))
	(else (loop (cdr ls))))))
 ( (add-control! id loops)
   (unless (null? id)
       (when (null? loops)
	   (error "extend-syntax: missing ellipsis in expansion"))
       (let ((x (loop-ids (car loops))))
	   (unless (memq id x)
	       (loop-ids! (car loops) (cons id x))))
       (add-control! (id-control id) (cdr loops))))
 ( (make-loop loop body tail)
   (let ((ids (loop-ids loop)))
       (when (null? ids)
	   (error "extend-syntax: extra ellipsis in expansion"))
	((equal? body (list 'unquote (id-name (car ids))))
	 (if (null? tail)
	     (list 'unquote (id-access (car ids)))
	     (cons (list 'unquote-splicing (id-access (car ids)))
	((and (null? (cdr ids))
	      (syntax-match? '(unquote) '(unquote (f x)) body)
	      (eq? (cadadr body) (id-name (car ids))))
	 (let ((x `(map ,(caadr body) ,(id-access (car ids)))))
	     (if (null? tail)
		 (list 'unquote x)
		 (cons (list 'unquote-splicing x) tail))))
	 (let ((x `(map (lambda ,(map id-name ids) ,(make-quasi body))
			,@(map id-access ids))))
	     (if (null? tail)
		 (list 'unquote x)
		 (cons (list 'unquote-splicing x) tail)))))))
 ;; return `exp.  As an optimization, if exp looks like ,expx we just
 ;; return expx instead of `,expx.
 ( (make-quasi exp)
   (if (and (pair? exp) (eq? (car exp) 'unquote))
       (cadr exp)
       (list 'quasiquote exp)))
 ;; return a cond clause to compare clause cl with the form x and
 ;; return the appropriate EVALuable form.
 ( (make-clause keys cl x)
    ((syntax-match? '() '(pat fender exp) cl)
     (let ((pat (car cl)) (fender (cadr cl)) (exp (caddr cl)))
	 (let ((ids (parse keys pat x '() '())))
	     `((and (syntax-match? ',keys ',pat ,x)
		    ,(gen-quotes keys fender ids '()))
	       ,(make-quasi (gen keys exp ids '()))))))
    ((syntax-match? '() '(pat exp) cl)
     (let ((pat (car cl)) (exp (cadr cl)))
	 (let ((ids (parse keys pat x '() '())))
	     `((syntax-match? ',keys ',pat ,x)
	       ,(make-quasi (gen keys exp ids '()))))))
     (error "extend-syntax: invalid clause ~a~%" cl))))
 ( make-syntax
   (let ((x (generate-symbol "X")))
       (lambda (keys clauses)
	   `(macro-expander (,(car keys) . ,x)
		(let ((,x (cons ',(car keys) ,x)))
		     ,@(map (lambda (cl) (make-clause keys cl x))
		      (error "extend-syntax: invalid syntax: ~a~%" ,x)
 );; end of label functions; beginning of labels body

;;; syntax-match? is used by extend-syntax to choose among clauses and
;;; to check for syntactic errors.  It is also available to the user.
    (define syntax-match?
	(lambda (keys pat exp)
	     ((symbol? pat) (if (memq pat keys) (eq? exp pat) t))
	     ((pair? pat)
	      (if (equal? (cdr pat) '(...))
		  (iterate f ((lst exp))
		      (or (null? lst)
			  (and (pair? lst)
			       (syntax-match? keys (car pat) (car lst))
			       (f (cdr lst)))))
		  (and (pair? exp)
		       (syntax-match? keys (car pat) (car exp))
		       (syntax-match? keys (cdr pat) (cdr exp)))))
	     (else (equal? exp pat)))))

    ;; This is the fundamental function.  It translates an argument
    ;; that looks like ((key1 key2 ...) clause ...) --- i.e., the cdr
    ;; of an extend-syntax form --- into unEVALed code for a
    ;; macro-expander.  E.g.,
    ;;   (ext-syn->macro-exp '((foo) ((foo a b) (+ a b))))
    ;;      ==>
    ;;   (MACRO-EXPANDER (FOO . X.72)
    ;;      (LET ((X.72 (CONS 'FOO X.72)))
    ;;         (COND ((SYNTAX-MATCH? '(FOO) '(FOO A B) X.72)
    ;;		    `(+ ,(CADR X.72) ,(CADDR X.72)))
    ;;		   (ELSE (ERROR "extend-syntax: invalid syntax: ~a~%"
    ;;				X.72)))))
    (define (extend-syntax->macro-expander x)
	 (syntax-match? '() '( (key1 key2 ...) clause ...) x)
	 (andmap symbol? (car x) ))
	    ((f (make-syntax (car x) (cdr x))))
	  (if (syntax-match? '() 'proc f)
	      (error "extend-syntax: does not fit 'with' pattern: ~a, ~a"
		     f 'proc))))
       (else (error "extend-syntax:: invalid syntax: ~a" x))))
    ;; return a macro expander that corresponds to the extend-syntax
    ;; form x.  This is useful as an argument to define-syntax or
    ;; define-local-syntax.  E.g.,
    ;;   (define-local-syntax add+1
    ;;	    (extended-syntax (add+1)
    ;;	       ((add+1 x y ...)
    ;;	        (+ 1 x y ...))))       
    (define-syntax (extended-syntax . x)
      (extend-syntax->macro-expander x))

    ;; The nicest looking but least general form.
    (define-syntax (extend-syntax . x)
	 ,(caar x)
	 ,(extend-syntax->macro-expander x)))

    );; end of labels

;;; end of extend.t