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Re: T -> Scheme
From: Lewis Johnson <johnson%YALE-MBUILD@YALE>
Date: 21 Aug 84 19:10:20 EDT (Tue)
You claim that it is easy to eliminate T expressions which define
symbols inside of LAMBDAs. I see how that works for certain cases,
but how would you rewrite this [in MIT Scheme]?
(let ((x ...))
(define y ...)
(define z ...))
Good question. This needs some serious thought. The obvious solution
(define m
(locale m
(define x ...)
(define y ...)
(define z ...)
(import m y z)
which I believe is sort of like the way one does modules in MIT Scheme
[modulo syntax - its syntax is something more like this:
(define m
(define x ...)
(define y ...)
(define z ...)))
(define y (access m y))
(define z (access m z)) ].
However, this has protection and compilation problems; protection in
the sense that anyone who has access to the environment containing m
has access to m and therefore can access the value of x, which you'd
rather he couldn't see, and compilation problems for a similar reason,
that any analysis you do either to m or to the outer environment may be
invalidated by virtue of escaping values, shadowing, etc.
John Lamping is working on a module system which may be able to address
these problems, and allow one to express "small modules" concisely.