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Emacs' escape character generation for VT100 in ansi mode
- To: sra@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU
- Subject: Emacs' escape character generation for VT100 in ansi mode
- Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1987 13:36 EST
- Mail-from: PSZ created at 29-Dec-87 13:36:02
- Resent-date: Tue 29 Dec 87 13:41:23-EST
- Resent-from: Rob Austein <SRA@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU>
- Resent-message-id: <12362390895.24.SRA@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU>
- Resent-to: psz@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU, bug-emacs@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU
Rob, I have been using a terminal emulator on my Mac called Red Ryder,
which implements emulation of the vt100 in ansi mode. Nevertheless,
when I do term vt100 ansi on XX and then run Emacs, I get somewhat
garbled output at times. I note that at both startup and exit, Emacs
sends the escape sequence ESC < to the terminal. According to my
not-very-complete documentation, this command is part of the VT52
mode command set of the VT100, in fact telling it to go into ansi
mode. Alas, a strict implementation of the ansi command set does not
need or have this command, so the ESC is ignored, the < is printed,
and the terminal and Emacs no longer agree about where the cursor is.
I am suggesting to the makers of the terminal emulator that they add
this escape sequence (and ignore it), but it seems that the problem is
really in the way Emacs uses a non-kosher sequence. Can/should this
be fixed? Thanks. --Pete