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ERRLIST: Does it really claim to do that?
- To: GJS at MIT-AI
- Subject: ERRLIST: Does it really claim to do that?
- From: Kent M. Pitman <KMP at MIT-MC>
- Date: Thu, 8 Jan 81 19:01:00 GMT
- Original-date: 8 January 1981 14:01-EST
Date: 31 December 1980 15:49-EST
From: Gerald Jay Sussman <GJS at MIT-AI>
LISP manual claims that ERRLIST is evaluated before dynamic variables are
unwound. Unfortunately system doesn't see it the same way.
Where is that stated? As nearly as I can tell, the 1974 MacLisp Manual says
The value of errlist is a list of forms which are evaluated
when control returns to top level either because of an error
or when an environment is initially started. This feature
is used to provide self-starting LISP environments and to
provide special error handling for subsystems written in LISP.
which seems to imply that the evaluation is after unwind. My evolving Lisp
manual, having stolen its documentation from the 74 manual, says the same.
The Moonual doesn't document it anyplace that I see; neither does Touretzky's
guide or even the LispM manual.
So if there really is someplace that this guarantee is made, please let us
know the document (there being many sources of documentation and none being
very complete (alas)) and page number, etc. so that we can look into it.