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Date: Wed ,30 Jul 80 11:37:00 EDT
From: James E. O'Dell <JIM at MIT-MC>
To: jim at MIT-AI, BUG-LISPM at MIT-AI
Date: 30 JUL 1980 0814-EDT
From: jim at MIT-AI (James E. O'Dell)
In system 32.2 microcode 674 on CADR-1
In Input base 10.
(setq first_num -1914869973288837242889404296875000.)
(setq second_num 1235444629394531250.)
(\ first_num second_num)
gives -1, whereas
(/ (abs first_num) (abs second_num))
gives 0.
Sorry, the slash should also be a backslash.
Are you sure of your facts? When I try your numbers (editing them out
of this mail and reading them into a machine, to avoid typos) it returns 0.
Running the same microcode (674).