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ZWEI: c-m-B Fails on form after #|(...)|#

Synopsis:  Still a bug in the development system.  It is on our current
bug queue.

  -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

    Date: Sunday, 30 December 1984, 16:13-EST
    From: Jerry Roylance <GLR at MIT-OZ>

    In Symbolics 3600 ZWEI in System 242.356, Hardcopy 20.10, FEP 24, on Lisp Machine John Lennon:

    c-m-B does not work in the following fragment.  Position the cursor to just
    after the close paren of screwage.  c-m-B just flashes the screen; it does not
    move the cursor.

    ;;; -*- LISP -*-

    (DEFUN FOO () NIL)

    (defun screwage ()