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Issue status

This is my current updated issue list. 

Should we meet on Monday? How many of you will attend X3J13?

* (nearly) ready for release
< already approved, no more action pending.
{ awaiting action from some other committee
???? A question: Please reply.
~ Tabled until resubmitted, i.e., no immediate action proposed.

* Proposal format (Version 12, 23-Oct-87)
Ready for release

* AREF-1D (Version 6, 6 JUL 87)
 (Add a new function for accessing arrays with row-major-index)
 Version 5 conditionally passed at X3j13/Jun87 pending new version.
 Version 6 mailed to cl-cleanup 6Jul.
Ready for release

~ ASSOC-RASSOC-IF-KEY (Version 1, 22 Apr 87)
 (Extend ASSOC-IF, etc.  to allow :KEY)
 Needs revision of current practice, test case, example.
 (Only Symbolics is known to implement this feature)

* COLON-NUMBER (Version 1, 22-oct-87)
  (Is :1 a number, a symbol, or undefined?)
Ready for release

{ COMPILER-WARNING-BREAK (Version 2/7-Apr-87)
 (Does *BREAK-ON-WARNING* affect the compiler?)
 Questions on interaction with condition proposal. 
 Await error proposal

< COMPILER-WARNING-STREAM (Version 6/ 5-Jun-87)
 (Compiler warnings are printed on *ERROR-OUTPUT*)
 Version 6 passed X3J13/Jun87.

% CONSTANT-SIDE-EFFECTS (not yet submitted)
   (it is an error to do destructive operations on constants in code,
   Discussed 12/86 - 1/87
   Need volunteer to submit

  required to be disjoint from other types?)
   From CLOS committee, not yet submitted

* DECLARE-MACROS (Version 2,  9-Nov-87)
   (Disallow macros expanding into declarations.)
Ready for release

% DECLARATION-SCOPE (not yet submitted)
   (What is the scope of SPECIAL declarations?
   INLINE declarations? where can declarations be placed?)
   Discussed at length, but no formal proposals.

DEFINITION-FUNCTIONS (no formal proposal)
  (Extensions for documentation-type for delete-definition
  Rough draft mailed  9-Oct-87.
  Is all of this mechanism necessary?

  What is the lexical environment of DEFTYPE, DEFINE-SETF bodies?
  Mail 11-12 Oct 87 on common-lisp

% DEFSTRUCT-SLOTS-CONSTRAINTS (not yet submitted/issues file)
(p 307) "Allow a call to DEFSTRUCT to have no slot-descriptions.
 Specify that it is an error for two slots in a single DEFSTRUCT to
 have the same name.  If structure A includes structure B, then no
 additional slot of A may have the same name as any slot of B."
   Need volunteer to sort out DEFSTRUCT issues post-CLOS.

% DEFSTRUCT-DEFAULT-VALUE-EVALUATION (not yet submitted/issues file)
(p 305) "The default value in a defstruct slot is not evaluated
 unless it is needed in the creation of a particular structure
 instance.  If it is never needed, there can be no type-mismatch
 error, even if the type of the slot is specified, and no warning
 should be issued."
   Need volunteer to sort out DEFSTRUCT issues post-CLOS.

* DEFVAR-DOCUMENTATION (Version 1, 30-Jun-87)
   (Documentation string is not evaluated.)
   Submitted, no replies
 Ready for release

 ((DEFVAR var) doesn't initialize)
 Version 4 passed X3J13, Jun87.

< DEFVAR-INIT-TIME (Version 2/29-May-87)
 (DEFVAR initializes when evaluated, not later.)
 Version 2 passed X3J13/Jun87.

% DISASSEMBLE-SIDE-EFFECT (not yet submitted/from ISSUES.TXT)
 "Clarify that if DISASSEMBLE is given a symbol whose function
 definition is interpreted, that definition is indeed compiled
 and then disassembled, but the resulting compiled definition
 does not replace the interpreted one as the symbol's function
 Need volunteer to submit.

DO-SYMBOLS-DUPLICATES (Version 2, 29-May-87)
 (can DO-SYMBOLS see the same symbol twice?)
 Debate: extend so that both options are available?
 Needs more information on implementation and
   performance cost.
 Needs rewrite, flush :ALLOWED option,
  rewrite :ADD-KEYWORDS to make default for
  :ALLOW-DUPLICATES as NIL., conversion cost => nil.
 Not ready for release.

% EQUAL-STRUCTURE (not yet submitted)
  (Mail Nov 87 on Common Lisp: EQUAL on DEFSTRUCT structures.)
 Need volunteer to submit.

~ EVAL-DEFEATS-LINKER (Version 1, 12 Jun-87)
 ("selective linking" means GC non-used symbols; 
 proposal to change #., #, and part of FUNCTION-TYPE
 Wait on FUNCTION-TYPE, deal with #., #, changes 

% EXPORT-COORDINATION (no formal proposal)
  Coordinate EXPORT and DEFxxx by adding new form.
  Is this a good idea to allow?
  Looking for proposal to make package manipulation lexical.

{ FILE-WRITE-DATE-IF-NOT-EXISTS (from Weinreb, no fromal proposal)
 (What does FILE-WRITE-DATE do if no such file?)
 "there should not be a formal proposal for fixing the file-write-date 
 ambiguity until we are at the point where we can make proposals
 that discuss signalling named conditions. "
  Awaiting error proposal.

% FILE-LENGTH-PATHNAME (not submitted, from ISSUES.TXT)
(P 425) "Generalize FILE-LENGTH to accept any filename, not just an open file-stream.  Let it take a keyword argument :ELEMENT-TYPE, defaulting to STRING-CHAR for non-stream arguments and to the element-type of the stream for a stream argument."
  Need volunteer to write up.

< FLET-IMPLICIT-BLOCK (Version 6/ 5-Jun-87)
 (do FLETs have implicit named blocks around them?)
 Version 6 passed X3J13/Jun87.

< FORMAT-ATSIGN-COLON (Version 4/5-jun-87)
 ( @: == :@ in format)
 Version 4 passed X3J13/Jun87.

% FORMAT-COLON-UPARROW-SCOPE (not yet submitted)
  (what iteration does ~:â?? exit from?)
  Common-Lisp mailing list discussion

* FORMAT-COMMA-INTERVAL (Version 2, 15 June 87)
 (Allow another argument to ~D etc to paramerize digits between commas)
Ready for release

% FORMAT-NEGATIVE-PARAMETERS (mail 19 May, no formal proposal)
  "format parameters are assumed to be non-negative integers except
    as specifically stated"
   Need volunteer to write up.

< FORMAT-OP-C (Version 5/ 11-Jun-87)
 (What does ~C do?)
 Version 5 passed X3J13/Jun87.

* FUNCTION-TYPE (Version 7, 9-Nov-87)
 (Change definition of FUNCTIONP, function type ...)
 Discussed at X3J13, new proposal due.
Ready for release.

 (allow &rest <type> in function types to refer to element
 type rather than list)
 Disscussed at length in the past.
 Need volunteer to submit.

% FUNCTION-SPECS (not yet submitted)
   (add "function specs" for defun, trace
  etc) Mail from Moon 16-Jun. 

~ GC-MESSAGES (version 1)
 (Control over unsolicited GC messages in typescript)
 merge with other controls for unsolicited messages?

* GET-SETF-METHOD-ENVIRONMENT (Version 5, 13-Jun-87)
 (Environment argument for GET-SETF-METHOD)
 Version 4 conditionally passed X3J13/Jun87.
Ready for release.

{ IF-BODY (Version 7, 16-Jun-87)
 (extend IF to implicit progn if more than one ELSE form?)
 Draft released 16-Jun-87.
 Discussed at X3J13/Jun 87.
 Postpone pending resolution of policy on extensions

{ IGNORE-ERRORS (Version 4, 29-May-87)
 (Introduce error catcher) 
 Awaiting error proposal

< IMPORT-SETF-SYMBOL-PACKAGE (Version 5, 11-Jun-87)
 (Does IMPORT affect home package?)
 Version 5 passed X3J13/Jun87.

 ( &KEY arguments not in keyword package?)
 Version 6 conditionally passed X3J13/Jun87.
  Ready for release after 
  change ((-keyword- -var-)) to ((-keyword- -var-) ...)

% LISP-SYMBOL-REDEFINITION  (no formal proposal yet)
  Is it legal to redefine symbols in the LISP package?
  Mail 14-Aug-87

* LOAD-TIME-EVAL (Version 2, 17-JUL-87)
 (New function/macro/special form for evaluation when 
 compiled file is loaded?)
 No discussion after Version 2.
 Almost ready for release (paren error in example.)

 (Add environment argument to MACRO-FUNCTION?)
 Formal proposal not yet submitted.
 re-extract from environment-arguments?
 CLOS notes say they need this?

~ OPEN-KEYWORDS (Version 1, 17-Jul-87)
  Discussion  9-Nov-87
  Questionable; needs stronger justification.

* PATHNAME-STREAM (Version 5, 23-Oct-87)
 (PATHNAME only works on file streams)
 Version 2 conditionally passed X3J13/Jun 87
 Do synonym streams delegate PATHNAME?
 What are the requirements on the pathname of a stream?

  How to deal with subdirectory structures in pathname functions?
   make :DIRECTORY a list?
  Need volunteer to rewrite.

PATHNAME-SYMBOL (Version 3, 23-OCT-87)
 (Do symbols automaticly coerce to pathnames?)
  Mail Aug 87 discussion
  How to deal with logical devices, :unspecific components,
    etc in pathname functions
  RWK@YUKON.SCRC.Symbolics.COM may submit proposal.

~ PEEK-CHAR-READ-CHAR-ECHO (Version 1, 3 March 87)
 (interaction between PEEK-CHAR, READ-CHAR and streams made by
 "Fixing echo streams is fine, but I don't think that
    it is appropriate for the standard to specify how terminal interaction
    must or even ought to work."

 (PRINC behavior on character objections)
 Version 3 passed X3J13/Jun87.

PROCLAIM-LEXICAL  (Version 4, 27-Oct-87)
 (add LEXICAL, GLOBAL, CONSTANT proclaimation)
 Awaiting rewrite of "cell" terminology.

~ PROMPT-FOR (Version 1)
 (add new function which prompts)
 Tabled until re-submitted.

* PUSH-EVALUATION-ORDER (Version 3, 8-Nov-87)
 (What order does (PUSH (A) (CAR (B))) evaluate (A) and (B)?)
??? Ready for release?

 (Specification of side-effect behavior in CL)

~ REQUIRE-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS (Version 1, 15-Oct-87)
  (where does REQUIRE look for files?)
  Doesn't really solve our problems?
* SETF-METHOD-FOR-SYMBOL (Version 3, 11-Nov-87)
  (Change recommendation for (get-setf-method symbol)?)
???? Ready for release?
* SETF-FUNCTION-VS-MACRO (Version 3, 4-Nov-87)
  (Allow (DEFUN (SETF FOO) ..))
  Ready for release

 (FIND, SUBSTITUTE etc work on multi-dimensional arrays?)
???? Ready for release?

* SHADOW-ALREADY-PRESENT (Version 4, 10-Nov-87 23:59:43)
???? Ready for release?

 (What does C-META-H-X mean?)
 Forwarded to character committee.

 (Is #+68000, #-3600 allowed?)
 Mild disagreement: it is an error?
 Table until resubmitted

* SHARPSIGN-PLUS-MINUS-PACKAGE (version 2, 10-Nov-87)
 (What package are *features* in?)
 Register *features*?
???? Ready for release?

% SPECIAL-FORM-SHADOW (no formal proposal)
 (Is it OK to shadow a special form with FLET, LABELS, MACROLET?)
 In discussion, no formal proposal submitted.

(P 328) "Remove the requirement that *STANDARD-INPUT*, etc., must be initially bound to synonym streams to *TERMINAL-IO*; demote this to the level of an implementation suggestion.  This is to allow flexibility of implementation, for example to allow UNIX redirection to win."
  Need volunteer to submit

% STREAM-CLASS-ACCESS (No formal proposal)
  Define stream accessors as if synonym-stream two-way-stream etc were
  CLOS classes?

 (access to slot accessors for DEFSTRUCT etc.)
 Need volunteer to write up

% SUBSEQ-OUT-OF-BOUNDS (from ISSUES file, no formal proposal)
(p 246) "Specify that it is an error for the SUBSEQ indices or any :START or :END argument have a negative index or point past the end of the sequence in question.  (With respect to whether signalling is required, this error will be treated the same as array out-of-bounds.)"
 Need volunteer to write up

% TAILP-NIL (no formal proposal yet)
 (Operation of TAILP given NIL)
  Needs writeup in current format.

* TRACE-FUNCTION-ONLY (Version 5, 9-NOV-87)
  (Allow trace for SETF functions, macros, etc.)
  Environment extension?
  Needs minor corrections

 (what happens with non-local exits out of
  UNWIND-PROTECT cleanup clauses?)
  Not quite ready for release