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Issue: EXIT-EXTENT (Version 2)

Sigh, I started to edit this with the idea that there were some minor
edits, and I discovered that the wording at least is awkward because GO
does a non-local transfer of control that is not an "exit" per se.  (There
is something unnamed that GO exits, but to talk about the extent of it one
almost has to name it.)

It uses the phrase "The terms "normal exit", "target", and "passed over"
will be used with
these meanings for the remainder of the discussion." but doesn't really
ever say what "these meanings" are. 

I started to edit it, but I'm afraid it needs more work than I have time
for right now. David, can you give it another shot? You can either start
with your version or this one. (I think I changed "Scheme ducks" to "Scheme
avoids" and made a few other conciliatory edits....)

Issue:         EXIT-EXTENT

References:    CATCH, THROW,
               BLOCK, RETURN, RETURN-FROM,
               Dynamic extent (CLtL p.37),
               Nested dynamic extents (CLtL p.38),
               Blocks can only be exited once (CLtL p.120),
               Catch is disestablished just before the values 
               are returned (CLtL p.139).
               Cleanup issue UNWIND-PROTECT-NON-LOCAL-EXIT is superseded
               by this one.

Category:      CLARIFICATION

Edit history:  Version 1, 5-Sep-88, by Moon, for discussion
			Version 2,  1-Oct-88, by Masinter
				minor edits.

Problem description:

CLtL does not specify precisely when the dynamic extent (lifetime)
of a nonlocal exit such as a CATCH, BLOCK, or TAGBODY ends.

There are three cases of interest:
(1) Normal exit from a CATCH, BLOCK or TAGBODY,
	or equivalent such as PROG. 
(2) Nonlocal exit from the target of a THROW or RETURN or to
     the target of a GO.
(3) Abandonment of an exit passed over by THROW, RETURN, or GO.
The terms "normal exit", "target", and "passed over" will be used with
these meanings for the remainder of the discussion.

CLtL is unambiguous about case 1.  In cases 2 and 3, the extent could
end anywhere from the time the THROW, RETURN, or GO commences, until the
time the transfer of control is completed.  In case 2, it is clear that
the extent of the target ends before the transfer of control completes,
since a block cannot be exited twice, but it is not made clear whether
the extent ends before or after execution of UNWIND-PROTECT cleanup
forms.  CLtL says nothing about case 3, although a note on p.38 implies
that the extent of a passed-over exit should end no later than the end
of the extent of the target exit.


The dynamic extent of an exit, whether target or passed-over, ends as
soon as the THROW, RETURN, or GO commences.  In the language of the
implementation note on p.142, the extent ends at the beginning of the
second pass.  It is an error for an UNWIND-PROTECT cleanup form executed
during a nonlocal transfer of control to attempt to use an exit whose
dynamic extent ended when the nonlocal transfer of control commenced.

This proposal is called "minimal" because it gives exits the shortest
extent consistent with CLtL.

Test Cases/Examples:

Each of the following programs is an error:

(funcall (block nil #'(lambda () (return))))		;case 1

(block nil						;case 2
  (unwind-protect (return)

(block a						;case 3
  (block b
    (unwind-protect (return-from a)
      (return-from b))))

(let ((a nil))						;case 1
  (tagbody t (setq a #'(lambda () (go t))))
  (funcall a))

(funcall (block nil					;case 3
	   (tagbody a (return #'(lambda () (go a))))))

(catch nil						;case 2
  (unwind-protect (throw nil t)
    (throw nil t)))

(catch 'a						;case 3
  (catch 'b
    (unwind-protect (throw 'a t)
      (throw 'b t))))

The above program is an error because the catch of b is passed over by
the first throw, hence portable programs must assume its dynamic extent
is terminated.  The catch is not yet disestablished and therefore it
is the target of the second throw.

The following program is not an error.  It returns 10.  The inner
catch of a is passed over, but this is not case 3 because that catch
is disestablished before the throw to a is executed.

(catch 'a
  (catch 'b
    (unwind-protect (1+ (catch 'a (throw 'b 1)))
      (throw 'a 10))))


Giving exits the shortest extent consistent with CLtL maximizes freedom
for implementations; there are few applications for allowing a longer

Current practice:

Both implementations of Symbolics Genera (3600 and Ivory) end the extent
of a target exit at the moment the values are returned, and end the
extent of a passed-over exit at the moment the THROW, RETURN, or GO
commences.  This choice of extent maximizes efficiency within the
particular stack structure used by these implementations, by avoiding
the need to retain the control information needed to use a passed over
exit through the transfer of control.  Genera signals an error if an
attempt is made to use an exit that has been passed over.

In some implementations, the extent of a target exit lasts until the
exit has been completed; in those implementations, it is possible for
a throw or non-local exit to be effectively "stopped" by a UNWIND-PROTECT

Cost to Implementors:

No currently valid implementation will be made invalid by this proposal.
Some implementors may wish to add error checks if they do not already
have them.

Cost to Users:

Since this is a clarification and current implementations differ, this
ostensibly does not affect current portable programs.

Cost of non-adoption:

The semantics of exits will remain ambiguous.


Common Lisp will be more precisely defined, and the precise definition will
be consistent with current practice in a way that has no cost for
nor for users.


Precisely specifying the meaning of dynamic extent improves the language.
Leaving implementations free to implement a longer extent if they choose
can be regarded as unesthetic, but consistent with Common Lisp philosophy.
Having a CATCH that is in scope even though its extent has ended may
seem unesthetic, but it is consistent with how BLOCK behaves.


One aspect of this issue, namely the particular behavior of non-local
exits from unwind protect cleanup clauses, was discussed at great
length. Some of that discussion centered around the possibility of
creating "unstoppable loops" that could not be exited by constructs
    (tagbody retry (unwind-protect ....  (go retry)))

The goal of this proposal is to clarify the ambiguity in CLtL while
minimizing changes to the current situation.  An alternative proposal
would define the extent of an exit to end at the last moment possible
within some particular reference implementation.  That alternative would
have a cost to implementors whose implementation is not identical to the
reference implementation.  Another alternative proposal would duck the
issue by outlawing all nonlocal exits from UNWIND-PROTECT cleanup forms.
That alternative would have a substantial cost to some users.

Scheme is cleaner: it avoids this issue by specifying that the extent
of an exit never ends.

CLtL never says in what dynamic environment cleanup forms of
UNWIND-PROTECT are executed.  The implementation note on p.142 may have
been intended to cover this, but since it doesn't define the term
"frame" that it uses, it doesn't actually say anything.  The extent of
dynamic-extent entities other than exits should be the
subject of a separate proposal.