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- To: cl-cleanup@sail.stanford.edu
- Subject: Issue: REST-LIST-ALLOCATION (Version 3)
- From: gz@spt.entity.com (Gail Zacharias)
- Date: 5 Jan 89 18:06:05 EST (Thu)
I would be (a little) more comfortable with MAY-SHARE if it explicitly stated
that the &rest argument is guaranteed to be a proper list. I know this is not
directly related to rest list sharing, but in practical terms I'm
concerned about the following situation:
(defun debugged-function (&rest args)
(declare (optimize (safety 0)))
... (cadr args) ...)
(apply #'debugged-function '(a . 17))
The error should be detected before debugged-function is called (or
put another way, whether this error is detected or not should be determined
by optimize settings in effect around apply, not in debugged-function).