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Date: Thu, 29 Dec 88  19:52:57 CST
 From: David N Gray <Gray@DSG.csc.ti.com>

> Shouldn't that last sentence say something like "... need not be defined
> ..."?  Since the accessor functions commonly default to INLINE, they
> often will be defined at compile time.

No, the processing of the accessor functions should expand to code which does
something equivelent to

      (proclaim '(inline <accessor>))
      (defun <accessor> (structure)
        <code to access the appropriate element of structure>
      ;; unless <accessor> is read-only
      (defsetf <accessor> (structure) (value)
        <expansion code to update the appropriate element of structure>

which does not make <accessor> defined at compile time (see DEFUN).

> DEFCLASS:  ... and for use as the :METACLASS option of a subsequent

No, because doing so would require that the class be instantiable, so that you
can make instances whose class is the metaclass, for descrimination purposes.
That's what having it available as a metaclass is all about.  I seem to
remember somewhere in the CLOS spec the caveat that a class had to be fully
defined before it could be used as a metaclass argument to defclass, presumably
for this reason.

> The compiler must make the class definition available to be returned by
> FIND-CLASS when its environment argument is a value received as the
> &ENVIRONMENT parameter of a macro. 

This should perhaps be tightened up a bit.  For example, the &environment
argument should have been generated by the same invocation of the compiler as
that which processed the defclass.  For example, if I compile a file containing
a defclass of fred, don't load it, and compile a file with a compile-time call
to find-class on fred with the appropriate compile-time &environment argument,
it should not be assumed that this will return the thing that got generated by
the first file (though I don't want to say it must not, since some
implementations seem to have different ideas about the survival of compilation
side-effects over multiple files). 
