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CLtl Natural Languages Subcommittee

  Through the good graces of Dick Gabriel, we now have a mailing
list set up at sail (see To: above) for the National Languages
Subcommittee.  From the last ANSI meeting, I have down as
committee members:

        Thom Linden - baggins@ibm.com
        Larry Masinter - Masinter.pa@xerox.com
        Carl Hoffman - cwh@fuji.ila.dialnet.symbolics.com
        Bob Kerns - rwk@scrc.symbolics.com
        Duncan Missimer  -  (don't know netid)
        Dave Mathews - dcm%hpfclp@hplabs.hp.com
        Mike Beckerle - mike%acorn@oak.lcs.mit.edu

  Send updates to the mailing list (eg. you're on the list
and should'nt be) to Dick.  If anyone knows Duncan's netid,
please pass it along so he can be added to the distribution.

  Just as a check, please acknowledge this message.  Thus, I
will have some confidence we are actually connected.

  I suspect with vacations underway, our conversation on NLS
won't begin until September (eg. I'll be out for the remainder of Aug).
But, starting in Sept, I would like to see us in an active mode.
The first order of business should be an acknowledgement note
sent to JEIDA.  After that we need to agree on the scope of
our effort and the protocols we wish to follow  ..  eg.
we could follow the pattern set by the Cleanup Subcommittee
status reports and documentation or by the CommonLoops group.

  Perhaps the first thing we should decide is our name and what
a proposal arising from our efforts would be called.  I start
this off by suggesting:

    National Languages Support (ie. NLS subcommittee) and
    "Extensions to Common Lisp Character Handling"

  Natural Languages is a nicer term as it doesn't seem to have
a connection to political boundaries.  Unfortunately, it seems
heavily used in the linguistics field.  Some folks use
DBCS for Double Byte Character Support but that seems clearly
tied to an implementation decision.

  ...  well, these comments will hopefully test the networking.
I'll see you in a few weeks.
