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An example of following the mouse with CLX
I munged this together to show how to actually see how fast CLX
could follow the mouse. Note I only call force-output when I need
to, and avoid finish-output. Also I don't set :override-redirect
on the window, set it if you want.
David Lowry
-------------------------- cut here ------------------------
;;;This puts up a window and then follows the pointer with a small
;;;rectangle. Compile and load and call follow-mouse.
;;; DDL
;;set this to your host if you're running over a network
(defvar *machine* nil)
(defun init-window ()
(declare (special d s root black white xw gc erase-gc))
(setq d (xlib:open-display (or *machine* (machine-instance))))
(setq s (xlib:display-default-screen d))
(setq root (xlib:screen-root s))
(setq black (xlib:screen-black-pixel s))
(setq white (xlib:screen-white-pixel s))
(setq xw (xlib:create-window :parent root :x 10 :y 10 :event-mask
'(:pointer-motion :button-press)
:width 600 :height 600 :background white :border black
:border-width 2))
(setq gc (xlib:create-gcontext :drawable xw :background white
:foreground black :fill-style :solid))
(setq erase-gc (xlib:create-gcontext :drawable xw :background black
:foreground white :fill-style :solid))
(defun rect (gc x y solid?)
(xlib:draw-rectangle xw gc x y 20 20 solid?))
;;simply waits for motion events, erases the old rectangle and draws
;;a new one where the pointer is. Click a button to exit.
(defun follow-mouse (&optional (solid? nil))
(declare (special d xw gc erase-gc))
(unless d (init-window))
(xlib:map-window xw)
(let ((old-x 0)
(old-y 0))
(xlib:event-case (d :discard-p t :force-output-p t)
(motion-notify (x y)
(rect erase-gc old-x old-y solid?)
(rect gc x y solid?)
(setq old-x x old-y y)
(xlib:display-force-output d)
(button-press () t)))
(xlib:unmap-window xw)
(xlib:display-force-output d))