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Re: xlib:<mumble>-equal
Your message:
The specification for these predicates is not clear. Should they return
true iff the two drawable/font/gcontext/etc. objects are EQ (the current
Or should they return true iff the two objects name the same server
The mere existence of these functions implies that the latter definition
was intended...
Here's the current implementation:
(defmacro make-mumble-equal (type)
;; When cached, EQ works fine, otherwise test resource id's and displays
(let ((predicate (xintern type '-equal))
(id (xintern type '-id))
(dpy (xintern type '-display)))
(if (member type *clx-cached-types*)
`(within-definition (,type make-mumble-equal)
(proclaim '(inline ,predicate))
(defun ,predicate (a b) (eq a b)))
`(within-definition (,type make-mumble-equal)
(defun ,predicate (a b)
(declare (type ,type a b))
(and (= (,id a) (,id b))
(eq (,dpy a) (,dpy b))))))))
Are you arguing that the final "eq" (for non cached objects) should be a
different test? Seems like two different (non-eq) displays couldn't have
equal objects, since they will have a different range of resource id's.
Or are you thinking that someone could copy a display object, and thus have
two display objects that reference the same socket?
Doesn't the current cacheing system guarantee that you will have only one
client object for each server object for objects that are cached?
-- John