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New CLX documentation available
A new, complete, up-to-date, formatted version of the documentation for CLX
(the Common LISP X Interface) is now available to the public via anonymous
ftp from
csc.ti.com (Internet address
Anyone interested may find the documentation in the directory:
It comes in two forms. This first is Interleaf ASCII source format which is
contained in the *.doc files. The second is postscript printer format which
is contained in the *.ps files. Compressed versions of the collections of
these files may be found in the files:
pub/clxman/doc.tar.Z (Interleaf ASCII form)
pub/clxman/ps.tar.Z (postscript form)
Hopefully, this documentation will also soon be available as a part of the R4
distribution of the X Window System from the MIT X Consortium.