CLIM mail archive
:panes option to define-application-frame
Please send bug reports for CLIM 0.9 to Bug-CLIM@ILA.COM in the future.
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 91 12:40 PST
From: will taylor <>
In Franz Allegro 3.1.13, CLIM 0.9, I donot seem to be able
to construct a frame of multiple layouts: I get #:frame
declared special when I compile it, and unbound symbol
#:frame when I try to create it. Code follows:
The :PANES option to DEFINE-APPLICATION-FRAME is, unfortunately,
difficult to use without an example. I don't think we publish any
examples of its use. I believe this section of the documentation will
be substantially rewritten for the next release.
Also, I believe there is a bug in the implementation of
SELECT-FRAME-LAYOUT which was shipped with 0.9. There is a patch
numbered 37 which is supposed to fix this, but it has a bug in it. I
will ask one of the ILA folks in Cambridge to fix this for real, but I
will include the source of the fixed fix below.
If you had patch 37 loaded, you would at least have been warned that
your :PANES option had a syntax error in it, by the way. Here is
approximately what it says now:
Warning: A layout name must be a symbol, not
The documentation says of the :PANES option:
Its format is a list of two-element lists. The first element of each
sublist is a symbol naming the layout; the second element is a form
what evaluates to a pane.
So, your frame should say:
(define-application-frame AC-BUG
() ; No super classes
;; state variables
((banner-pane :initform nil :accessor banner-pane)
(command-pane :initform nil :accessor command-pane)
;; frame layouts
;;; Note no extra set of parentheses, and no :INITFORM keyword
(let ((frame-mgr (find-frame-manager :server-path *default-server-path*)))
(with-frame (frame)
(with-style (frame-mgr frame)
(with-frame-slots (banner-pane command-pane)
(make-clim-pane (banner-pane :type 'clim-stream-pane
:hs 600 :vs 40 :scroll-bars nil
:label "NASA Ames Research Center - FIA")
:default-text-style '(:fix :bold :very-large))
(make-clim-pane (command-pane :type 'command-pane-class
:hs 600 :vs 30 :scroll-bars nil)
:default-text-style '(:sans-serif :bold :large))))))))
;;; Selecting one of the following configurations would cause an error,
;;; of course, since the second element of the list does not evaluate to
;;; a pane.
(:command-definer t)
(:top-level (clim-top-level))
By the way, here is a cliche you may want to use with the :PANES option.
Remember that if you want to reuse already-created panes in different
configurations, you need to write them down someplace:
(define-application-frame two-configurations ()
((pane-a :initform nil)
(pane-b :initform nil))
(with-frame-slots (pane-a pane-b)
(or pane-a (make-clim-pane (pane-a ...) ...))
(or pane-b (make-clim-pane (pane-b ...) ...)))))
(with-frame-slots (pane-a pane-b)
(or pane-a (make-clim-pane (pane-a ...) ...))
(or pane-b (make-clim-pane (pane-b ...) ...)))))))
Here is the fixed version of SELECT-FRAME-LAYOUT:
(in-package :windshield)
(defmethod select-frame-layout ((frame frame) layout &optional how)
(let ((manager (frame-manager frame))
(*old-layout* (frame-pane frame))
(declare (special *new-layout* *old-layout*))
(assert manager ()
"A frame must be adopted before a layout can be changed")
;; slot-unbound takes care of building the layout if necessary.
(setq *new-layout* (slot-value frame layout))
;; Need to be able to do (pane-frame <something-in-new-layout>) soon.
(register-pane-frame *new-layout* frame)
(selecting-frame-layout manager frame *new-layout* how)
(setf (frame-pane frame) *new-layout*)
;; Don't need to do (pame-frame <something-in-old-layout>) any more.
(unregister-pane-frame *old-layout*)))
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