CLIM mail archive


Re: Re: resizing frames under X11

> Has anyone else had problems with resizing clim 1.0 frames?  When I resize a
> clim frame via a window manager under the mit x11r4 server, the layout gets
> adjusted, but the locations of acceptable presentations gets messed up. After
> the resize, items in the menu pane do not hilight correctly when the pointer
> moves over that pane. For example, when I move the pointer over menu item "A",
> menu item "X" hilites. This behavior also occurs in application panes. I am
> using lucid's version of clim 1.0 on a SUN sparcstation with the mit x11r4
> server, and the twm widow manager.
> ______________________________________

I got this problems too, but only with genera 8.1 on a ivory displaying 
the application on a SUN sparcstation with the x11r4 server, and the twm 
window manager.

All works fine using allegro with clim1.0


Rainer Koenig                                   email:
Forschungszentrum Informatik                 
Abtl. Technische Expertensysteme und Robotik
Haid-und-Neu-Strasse 10-14                      Fax : +49-721-6906-309
D - 7500 Karlsruhe 1                            Tel.: +49-721-6906-313
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