CLIM mail archive
problems with type specifier of the clim::accept function
To: clim@BBN.COM
Subject: problems with type specifier of the clim::accept function
From: "(Berthe Y. Choueiry)" <>
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 1991 16:45:45 +0100
Cc: ;@choueiry
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I am using Allegro 4.1.beta, CLIM 1.0 and X11R5 on a Sparc station
I don't know whether this question has been asked before and whether it
is a bug at all. When the type specifier in the clim::accept funtion
is 'symbol, the following works fine but it does not if I try to
accept a sequence of symbols '(sequence symbol) as indicated in 17.5.6
page 166 in the CLIM manual. Hitting any keep does only produce a beep
sound..Has anybody encountered the same problem? Am I doing anything wrong? Any
help is appreciated!
LIA, CM1-618 (MA), DI, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Ecublens
CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Voice: +41-21- 693 52 77 Fax: +41-21- 693 52 25
;;;;;;;;; The following doesn't work,
;;; -*- Package: USER; Mode: LISP; Base: 10; Syntax: Common-Lisp -*-
(in-package "USER")
(use-package "CLIM")
(define-application-frame bug ()
(:panes ((time-line :application
:incremental-redisplay t
:scroll-bars :both)
; :display-function 'display-time-line
(menu :command-menu
:default-text-style '(:serif :bold :small))))
(:layout ((time-layout
(:column 1
(menu :compute)
(time-line :rest))))))
(define-bug-command (Enter-item-list :menu t) ()
(let ((stream *standard-output*)
(result nil))
:own-window '(:right-margin (25 :character))
:x-position 100 :y-position 50
:label "Enter list of items:")
(flet ((get-list (value id)
(accept '(sequence symbol)
:query-identifier id
:default value
:prompt nil)))
(format stream "~&Enter list of items: ")
(setf result (get-list result 'result))
(fresh-line stream)
(terpri stream)))
(format stream "~% ~a" result)))
(defun init-bug ()
(defvar *clim-root* (open-root-window :clx :host
(subseq (sys:getenv "DISPLAY") 0 7)))
(setf bug
(make-application-frame 'bug
:parent *clim-root*
:left 200 :right 1000
:top 100 :bottom 600))
(run-frame-top-level bug))
;;;;;;;;; The following does work well
;;; -*- Package: USER; Mode: LISP; Base: 10; Syntax: Common-Lisp -*-
(in-package "USER")
(define-application-frame bug ()
(:panes ((time-line :application
:incremental-redisplay t
:scroll-bars :both)
; :display-function 'display-time-line
(menu :command-menu
:default-text-style '(:serif :bold :small))))
(:layout ((time-layout
(:column 1
(menu :compute)
(time-line :rest))))))
(define-bug-command (Enter-item-list :menu t) ()
(let ((stream *standard-output*)
(result nil))
:own-window '(:right-margin (25 :character))
:x-position 100 :y-position 50
:label "Enter list of items:")
(flet ((get-list (value id)
(accept 'symbol
:query-identifier id
:default value
:prompt nil)))
(format stream "~&Enter list of items: ")
(setf result (get-list result 'result))
(fresh-line stream)
(terpri stream)))
(format stream "~% ~a" result)))
(defun init-bug ()
(defvar *clim-root* (open-root-window :clx :host
(subseq (sys:getenv "DISPLAY") 0 7)))
(setf bug
(make-application-frame 'bug
:parent *clim-root*
:left 200 :right 1000
:top 100 :bottom 600))
(run-frame-top-level bug))
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