CLIM mail archive


Re: LUV-92 Theme and Speaker Quest

In message  "LUV-92 Theme and Speaker Quest" on Dec 19, Gary Roberts writes
> It has just occurred to me (and I don't know why no one else thought of
> it) that no East Coast manager is going to approve sending the same guy
> to two similiar West Coast conferences one month apart.  Easterners will
> have to choose between AAAI and LUV '92.  Which will win?

I agree with Gary (and Arun, etc) on this one. Even this year, due to lack
of name recognition, I might have had trouble getting approval for LUV-91
if it hadn't been so close to me (Baltimore). But AAAI is never a problem...

One possibility is to try what Symbolics did back when AAAI was in
Seattle. They scheduled the SLUG conference right before AAAI, so
we just stayed two weeks instead of one. It might still be hard to
sell management, but you are only paying airfare once. (Plus, in
the Seattle case, this left the weekend for hiking in the Olympic
Peninsula :-). This may also address the issue of being near a large LISP 
					- Marty
(setf (need-p 'disclaimer) NIL)

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