CLIM mail archive


Re: editing a string default

  Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1992 11:55-0500
  From: Scott McKay <>
  Subject: editing a string default
  To:, clim@BBN.COM
      Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1992 10:06 EST
      When in an (accept 'string . . ., I know it is possible for a user
      to type ctrl-meta-y to edit a default.  However, I would like the
      default to automatically appear for editing with the cursor at the
      end (before the user does anything).  Also, I don't want to show a
      prompt or display-default, only an editable default.
      Is that possible? 
  CLIM 1.1 (and hence CLIM 2.0) will include a :INSERT-DEFAULT keyword
  that does what you want.

Here is a presentation type that we defined for CLIM 0.9 which does what
you want, though it might be worth waiting.


;;; KRA 14:35 15NOV91:

An editable-string presentation type that takes a :DEFAULT value you can
edit (Originally from MDean, with kludge from Gerard, Dan and Ken).

When you accept something, ACCEPT-2 alls the appropriate presentation type
:PARSER method inside a WITH-INPUT-EDITING environment which is basically a
do-over loop that calls the :PARSER again if you type a :RUBOUT, or
something, to cause a rescan.  The rescan calls the :PARSER again.  The
following global variable is used to show the default to the user only the
first time.


(defvar editable-string-rubout-default-kludge "")

(define-presentation-type editable-string ()
  ;; hopefully temporary presentation type, until accepting-values allows editing of the default value as well as replacement
  :parser ((stream &key default)
	   (when (not (eq editable-string-rubout-default-kludge default))
	     (setf editable-string-rubout-default-kludge default)
	     (let ((input-buffer (clim-internals::input-editor-buffer stream)))
	       (when (zerop (fill-pointer input-buffer))
		 ;;I added the reverse,  unread is pushing the characters so they
		 ;;must go on in reverse order.  Gerard 21mar91.
		 (dolist (c (reverse (coerce default 'list)))
		   (stream-unread-char stream c)))))
	   ;; stream-read-line only stops on #\newline
	   (let ((buf (make-array 20 
				  :element-type 'string-char 
				  :fill-pointer 0 
				  :adjustable t)))
		 (let ((ch (stream-read-char stream)))
		   (case ch
		     ((#\newline #\return)
		      (setf editable-string-rubout-default-kludge "")
		      (return buf))
		      (vector-push-extend ch buf)))))))
  :printer ((string stream &key &allow-other-keys)
	    (write-string string stream)))


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