CLIM mail archive
accepting-values recursively
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 1992 12:52 EST
From: Curt Eggemeyer <>
I'm hitting slow turnaround time in accepting-values with objects
that can have over a thousand accepts for their parameters. I can
break them down by doing recursive calls to accepting-values. This
will require a bit of recoding on my part and before I try it I want
to know if anybody has tried recursion on accepting-values. If so,
is there any special undocumented gotcha's that I will have to worry
about? Will I gain response speed by doing this way? I'm thinking
of implementing this beast in the following manner:
Recursive calls to ACCEPTING-VALUES will work. I suggest that the
recursive calls actually appear inside of calls to ACCEPT-VALUES-COMMAND-BUTTON.
Actually, what I really suggest is that you decompose the attributes for
your objects into multiple orthogonal subsets. Any dialog with a
thousand items in it, no matter how speedy, will be a very difficult
user interface. It's just too much data too display in a dialog to be
easily understood by most humans I know.
(accepting-values ...
(accepting-values ... The numbers are just separate
3 different accept forms!!!!!!
5 )
(accepting-values ...
8 ) ....)
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