CLIM mail archive
Command tables/menus (CLIM 1.0)
Date: Mon, 11 May 1992 17:24 EDT
From: Curt Eggemeyer <>
This is a quickie how to question. My situation is as follows:
I want each of my command-tables to appear as a single item on my
:command-menu pane. When I click on one of them then a sub-menu of a
subset of the commands within that command-table to appear for selection.
I also want every command within all of my commands invokable from an
interactor pane. I know I can use add-menu-item-to-command-table or include the sub-command spec in the define-command-table :menu form, but that
means I have my menu specification separate from my command which seems
messy. Is there a way to get something like the example below to do what
I want? Is there something trivial I am missing?
(define-command-table one) ;it would be nice if there was a :menu t option
(define-command-table two)
(define-application-frame whatever () ()
(:panes (app :application) (active :interactor)
(top-most-menu :command-menu))
(layout ((normal
(column 1 (:row 1/50 (one 1/2) (two 1/2))
(:row 1/10)
(:row :rest app)))))
(:command-table (t :inherit-from (one two))))
(define-command (test1 :command-table one :menu t :name t) () ...)
(define-command (test2 :command-table one :menu t :name t) () ...)
(define-command (test3 :command-table one :menu t :name t) () ...)
;;Here we have 3 different commands in command-table two but their menu
;;items appear similar to those in command-table one's!
(define-command (test4 :command-table two :menu "test1" :name t) () ...)
(define-command (test5 :command-table two :menu "test2" :name t) () ...)
(define-command (test6 :command-table two :menu "test3" :name t) () ...)
... etc.
The CLIM test suites, the source of which is included with CLIM
distributions in SYS:CLIM;TESTS;TEST-SUITE.LISP, does exactly this.
(define-command-table graphics)
(define-command (... :command-table graphics) ...)
(define-command (... :command-table graphics) ...)
(define-command-table output-recording)
(define-command (... :command-table output-recording) ...)
(define-command (... :command-table output-recording) ...)
(define-application-frame clim-tests ()
(:command-table (clim-tests
:inherit-from (graphics
:menu (("Graphics" :menu graphics)
("Output Recording" :menu output-recording)
("Formatted Output" :menu formatted-output)
("Redisplay" :menu redisplay)
("Presentations" :menu presentations)
("Menus and Dialogs" :menu menus-and-dialogs)
("Benchmarks" :menu benchmarks)
("Exit" :command (exit-clim-tests)))))
(:command-definer nil)
(:panes ...)
(:layout ...))
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