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How to question?

    Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1992 16:28 EDT
    From: Curt Eggemeyer <>

    I read in the docs (no examples .. sigh) about read-command and execute-
    frame-command, but I don't think they will do what I want.

    How do you re-execute a command from only its command presentation object
    without using the mouse?  ie:  I already have my command presentation
    translators (mouse click invokation), but I want to manually reinvoke the
    command w/ its old arguments thru my own accept call rather than the
    application's command loop.

    Any examples would be mucho appreciated ...

I suppose you could programmatically yank the last command from the
command presentation history, and then execute that.  The following form
will re-execute the last command executed in an application:

     (presentation-type-history 'command)))


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