CLIM mail archive
Standalone Windows Resource?
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1992 00:30+0100
From: will taylor <unido!!taylor>
I am using CLIM 1.0 (27.5) under Genera 8.1.1
I would like to pop-up a window over my application frame
which has :scroll-bars :both and whose size I can determine.
I can use OPEN-WINDOW-STREAM & WINDOW-EXPOSE to display the
window. But if I want it to appear under the cursor I need to
be able to move its location and re-size it OR be able to
return the window to the "window-resource" and then create
a new one with the size and location I desire.
I guess what I am looking for is a window analog to WITH-MENU
& MENU-CHOSE-FROM-DRAWER which has both scroll bars and gives
me control over its size. Anyone know how to do something
like this.
Even in 1.0 you should have the functions
These size and position windows. Note the the edge coordinates in
CLIM:WINDOW-SET-INSIDE-EDGES are relative to the window's parent.
Also, don't forget to provide :save-under T to CLIM:OPEN-WINDOW-STREAM.
I hope that helps a bit.
Markus Fischer, MF@SGER.UUCP Mergenthaler Allee 77-81
Consulting Services W-6236 Eschborn, Germany
Symbolics Systemhaus GmbH Phone: +49 6196 47220, Fax 481116
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