CLIM mail archive
Post-script output in CLIM-2.0?
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1992 11:11 EDT
From: "Gregory M. Whittaker" <>
I'm just getting familiar with CLIM-2.0.alpha and have immediately run into some
incompatabilities. I don't know if these are transient, superficial, or permanent.
I would like to make use of the CLIM-1.0 with-output-to-postscript-stream capability,
but do not know what the appropriate form would be called in CLIM-2.0. Also I would
like to find some encapsulated PS output mode as well. Does anyone know about this?
WITH-OUTPUT-TO-POSTSCRIPT-STREAM is not yet implemented in CLIM 2.0
Could you add me to the distribution list?
Gregory M. Whittaker, The MITRE Corporation
Center for Advanced Aviation System Development
Internet: 7525 Colshire Drive
Phone: (703) 883-5549 McLean Virginia 22102-3481
FAX: (703) 883-1226 Mail Stop: W215
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