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Transformations and graphs
I'm trying to apply transformations to graphs that are created with
format-graph-from-root. What happens is any text (node labels, for example)
do not get transformed, but everything else does (arcs, borders created with
surrounding-output-with-borders, etc.). Should it work?
I'm using Allegro CL 4.1 with CLIM 1.1 on a Sparc 1+. Here's a test program,
loosely based on the example in the manual:
(in-package :clim-user)
(defstruct node
(name "")
(children '())
(defvar g1 (let* ((2a (make-node :name "2A"))
(2b (make-node :name "2B"))
(2c (make-node :name "2C"))
(1a (make-node :name "1A" :children (list 2a 2b)))
(1b (make-node :name "1B" :children (list 2b 2c))))
(make-node :name "0" :children (list 1a 1b))))
(define-application-frame test ()
((root :accessor frame-root
:initform g1))
(:panes ((display :application
:display-function 'test-graph)
(menu :command-menu)) )
(define-test-command (exit :menu t)
(frame-exit *application-frame*)
(defmethod test-graph ((frame test) stream)
(let ((root (frame-root frame)) )
(with-translation (stream 100 100)
#'(lambda (node s)
(write-string (node-name node) s))
:stream stream)
When this example is run, the arcs of the graph are translated, while the
node labels stay in the upper left corner.
Any ideas?
Randy A. Coulman | ARIES Laboratory
| Department of Computational Science | University of Saskatchewan
| Saskatoon, SK S7N 0W0
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