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problem with buttons in dialogs

Try this simple test.  When you click on the buttons to toggle the
values, the text in the buttons disappears.


George Williams            BCS Huntsville Artificial Intelligence Center
Boeing Computer Services   Internet:
POBox 240002, M/S JY-58    UUCP: ...!uw-beaver!bcsaic!hsvaic!george
Huntsville AL 35824-6402   Phone: 205+464-4968 FAX: 205+464-4930
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(defun test (x &AUX (stream *root-window*))
  (accepting-values (stream :own-window '(:right-margin (15 :character))
			    :resynchronize-every-pass t)
		    (format stream "Value Of X.............................. ")
		    (with-drawing-options (stream :line-thickness 2)
		       (setq x
			 (car (accept '(subset-alist (("Toggle X" . t)))
				      :prompt ""
				      :query-identifier "1"
				      :prompt-mode :raw
				      :stream stream
				      :default (list x))))))
		    (terpri stream)
		    (format stream "Value Of X.............................. ")
		    (with-drawing-options (stream :line-thickness 2)
		       (setq x
			 (car (accept '(subset-alist (("Toggle X" . t)))
				      :prompt ""
				      :query-identifier "2"
				      :prompt-mode :raw
				      :stream stream
				      :default (list x))))))))
(test t)

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