CLIM mail archive


Re: Minor bounding box problem

>    Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1992 16:16 EDT
>    From: Jeff Close <>
>       I have defined a new border type with the following:
>       (clim:define-border-type :ellipse (stream left top right bottom)
>	 (let ((cx (/ (+ left right) 2))
>	       (cy (/ (+ top bottom) 2))
>	       (rx (+ 8 (/ (- right left) 2)))
>	       (ry (+ 8 (/ (- bottom top) 2))) )
>	   (clim:draw-ellipse* stream cx cy rx 0 0 ry :filled nil))
>	 )

Actually, changing the "/"s above to "truncate"s got the bounding box to line
up correctly.  However, all bounding boxes still seem to be off a bit.  The
top and left edges will line up exactly, while the bottom and left edges will
be about 1 pixel outside of the object.  That's not a big deal, however.

>I would say that the CLX back-end is drawing the ellipse a little too
>big, rather than that the bounding box is too small.

Randy A. Coulman                |       ARIES Laboratory
                                |       Department of Computational Science             |       University of Saskatchewan
                                |       Saskatoon, SK   S7N 0W0             


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