CLIM mail archive
the peek frame
I really liked the Peek frame sent out recently, but it had a fairly
serious cosmetic flaw regarding the commands: if you resized the
frame, they pretty much vanished.
here's an improved version which puts the commands into a
command-pane, where they behave nicely when resized (also, I took out
a bunch of clim-0.9 garbage which related to handling them).
this is probably somewhat clim-1.1 specific, that's the only version I
have to test on. also only tested in Allegro 4.1.
now if someone would do an inspector...
-- clint
;;; -*- Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: clim-user -*-
(in-package :clim-user)
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;;; RCS: $Id: peek-frame.lisp,v 1.5 1992/04/11 15:06:29 kanderso Exp $
#+rcs(rcs::header "$Header: /planning/master/dart/util/peek-frame.lisp,v 1.5 1992/04/11 15:06:29 kanderso Exp $")
(PEEK) creates a peek frame for watching and manipulating lisp process activity
and optionally OS process activity.
The current command items are:
Update: Immediately update the display pane.
Redisplay: Completely redisplay the display pane if something ugly happens
to it.
Options: Popup dialog of display options.
Faster: Half the interval between screen updates.
Slower: Double the interval between screen updates.
Pause: Toggle the paused/running state of the display.
Authors: Ken Anderson (, Jeff Morrill (,
with initial help form Dennis Doughty (
Improvement hacks by Clint Hyde, Hyde Systems, Inc. (
;;; Somehow, set the appropriate feature in your LISP.
(eval-when (compile load eval)
(cond ((not (find-package :clim-utils))
(pushnew :clim-0.9 *features*))
((not (find-package :clim-sys))
(pushnew :clim-1.0 *features*))
(t (pushnew :clim-2.0 *features*))))
;;; Functions for manipulating processes
(defun restart-process (p)
#+lucid (lcl::restart-process p)
#+allegro (mp:process-reset p))
(defun process-state (p)
#+lucid (lcl::process-state p)
(cond ((mp:process-active-p p) "active")
((mp:process-runnable-p p) "runnable")
(t "deactivated")))
(defun activate-process (p)
#+lucid (lcl::activate-process p)
#+allegro (mp:process-enable p))
(defun deactivate-process (p)
#+lucid (lcl::deactivate-process p)
#+allegro (mp:process-disable p))
(defun process-whostate (p)
#+lucid (lcl::process-whostate p)
#+allegro (mp:process-whostate p))
(defun process-name (p)
#+lucid (lcl::process-name p)
#+allegro (mp:process-name p))
(defun all-processes ()
#+clim-0.9 (ci::all-processes)
#+clim-1.0 (clim-utils:all-processes)
#+clim-2.0 (clim-sys:all-processes))
(defun current-process ()
#+clim-0.9 (ci::current-process)
#+clim-1.0 (clim-utils:current-process)
#+clim-2.0 (clim-sys:current-process))
(defun destroy-process (p)
#+clim-0.9 (ci::destroy-process p)
#+clim-1.0 (clim-utils:destroy-process p)
#+clim-2.0 (clim-sys:destroy-process p))
(defun process-p (thing)
#+lucid (typep thing 'lcl::process)
#+allegro (mp:process-p thing))
(defun bell ()
#+clim-0.9 (silica::ring-bell (find-port))
#-clim-0.9 (clim:beep))
;;; Define a simple "peek-like" application. It has one display
;;; area which incrementally redisplays every timeout seconds.
(define-application-frame peek-frame
((display-pane )
(commands-pane )
(mode :initform :process) ;for extensibility
(show-gc-p :initform t)
(show-lisp-processes-p :initform t)
(show-OS-processes-p :initform nil)
(OS-command :initarg :OS-command :initform '("/bin/ps")) ; List of command and arguments
(timeout :initform 1)
(timeout-growth-factor :initform 2.0)
(paused-p :initform nil))
#+clim-0.9 (:command-definer t)
((commands :command-menu
:display-after-commands nil
:initial-cursor-visibility nil
(display :application
:display-function 'display-peek-status
:incremental-redisplay t
:display-after-commands t
:initial-cursor-visibility nil
:scroll-bars :both)
(mouse-doc :pointer-documentation)))
(:column 1
(commands :compute)
(display :rest)
(mouse-doc :compute)))))
(scrolling ()
(make-pane 'application-pane
:display-function 'display-commands
:display-time t
:initial-cursor-visibility nil)))
(scrolling ()
(make-pane 'application-pane
:incremental-redisplay t
:display-function 'display-peek-status
:display-time :command-loop
:initial-cursor-visibility nil)
(:pointer-documentation t)
(:layouts (default (vertically () (.2 commands) (.8 display))))
(:command-definer define-peek-command)
(:top-level #+clim-0.9 (clim-top-level)
#-clim-0.9 (default-frame-top-level)))
(defmacro with-peek-frame ((symbol) &body body)
#-clim-0.9 `(let ((,symbol *application-frame*)) ,@body))
(defmacro with-peek-frame-slots ((&rest symbols) &body body)
`(with-peek-frame (.frame.)
(with-slots ,symbols .frame. ,@body)))
;;; We might reuse an existing frame. Reinitialize it.
(defmethod run-frame-top-level :before ((frame peek-frame))
(initialize-peek-frame frame))
(defmethod initialize-peek-frame ((frame peek-frame))
(setf (slot-value frame 'display-pane) (get-frame-pane frame 'display)
(slot-value frame 'commands-pane) (get-frame-pane frame 'commands))
(defmethod stop-frame :before ((frame peek-frame) &optional abortp disown)
(declare (ignore abortp disown)))
;;; Define the command menu for the frame.
(defvar *peek-commands*
'((("Update" (com-update))
("Redisplay" (com-redisplay))
("Options" (com-options)))
(("Faster" (com-faster))
("Slower" (com-slower))
("Pause" (com-pause)))))
(defun present-command (pretty-name command stream)
(declare (ignore pretty-name))
(present command 'command :stream stream)
(present (list pretty-name
nil (list :command command))
:stream stream))
(defmacro with-output-truncation ((stream) &body body)
#+(or clim-0.9 clim-1.0)
(:allow ,stream)
(clim:with-end-of-page-action (:allow ,stream) ,@body))
(,stream :allow)
(clim:with-end-of-page-action (,stream :allow) ,@body)))
;;; Here's the redisplay function that will be incrementally
;;; redisplayed.
(defmethod display-peek-status ((frame peek-frame) stream)
(with-output-truncation (stream)
(display-peek-status-internal frame stream (slot-value frame 'mode))))
;;; Here it is again, defined as a multi-method so we can easily
;;; define new "modes" of display (as in "Processes," "File
;;; System," etc.)
(defmethod display-peek-status-internal ((frame peek-frame)
stream (mode (eql ':process)))
((cell (stream item)
`(formatting-cell (,stream)
(format ,stream "~A" ,item))))
(timeout paused-p show-gc-p show-lisp-processes-p
show-OS-processes-p OS-command)
(let ((count 0))
;; Show the time
(let ((ut (get-universal-time)))
(updating-output (stream :unique-id (incf count)
:cache-value ut)
(multiple-value-bind (sec min hrs)
(decode-universal-time ut)
(format stream "~2D:~2,'0D:~2,'0D" hrs min sec)))
(let ((cache-value (if paused-p "Paused" timeout)))
(updating-output (stream :unique-id 'timeout
:cache-value cache-value)
(format stream " [~A]" cache-value))
(terpri stream))))
(when show-gc-p
(check-gc stream)
(fresh-line stream))
(when show-lisp-processes-p
(formatting-table (stream)
;; Headings
(let ((id "Process label"))
(updating-output (stream :unique-id id :cache-value id)
(with-text-face #+clim-2.0 (stream :bold) #-clim-2.0 (:bold stream)
(formatting-row (stream)
(cell stream "PROCESS")
(cell stream "STATE")
(cell stream "ACTIVITY")))))
(let ((list (all-processes)))
(setq list (remove-if #'(lambda (x)
(or (eq x (current-process))
(if (not list)
(formatting-row (stream)
(cell stream "no processes")))
(dolist (p list)
(let ((name (process-name p))
(state (process-whostate p))
(activity (process-state p)))
(unless (or (eq p (current-process)) ; Ignore this process
(eq p SYSTEM:*IDLE-PROCESS*)) ; and idle process
(formatting-row (stream)
(:stream stream :object p :type 'process :single-box t)
(stream p 'process :single-box t)
(cell stream name)
(cell stream state)
(cell stream activity)))
(when show-OS-processes-p
(check-OS stream OS-command)))))
(defun check-gc (stream)
;; What you might want to say about the GC is very system-dependent.
((cell (stream item)
`(formatting-cell (,stream)
(format ,stream "~A" ,item))))
(let ((id "EGC label"))
(stream :unique-id id :cache-value id)
(with-text-face #+clim-2.0 (stream :bold) #-clim-2.0 (:bold stream)
(format stream "EGC Levels "))))
(stream :n-rows 1)
(let ((uid 0))
(dolist (level (lcl:egc-state))
(let ((value (round (* (car level) 100)
(+ (car level) (cdr level)))))
(updating-output (stream :unique-id uid :cache-value value)
(formatting-cell (stream)
(format stream "~2d" value)))))))
(terpri stream)
(multiple-value-bind (used before-gc no-gc)
(let ((id "GC label"))
(stream :unique-id id :cache-value id)
#+clim-2.0 (stream :bold) #-clim-2.0 (:bold stream)
(formatting-row (stream)
(cell stream "Kwords used")
(cell stream "Available Before GC")
(cell stream "Available if GC disabled")))))
(formatting-row (stream)
(cell stream (floor used 4000))
(cell stream (floor before-gc 4000))
(cell stream (floor no-gc 4000))))))
(format stream "~%I don't know nothin about non-LUCID GC.~%"))
(defmethod read-frame-command ((frame peek-frame) &key (stream *standard-input*))
(let ((timeout (slot-value frame 'timeout)) ;in seconds
(paused (slot-value frame 'paused-p))
#+clim-2.0 (setq timeout nil) ;timeout seems broken?
(when (setq object
(with-input-context ('command) (ob)
(read-gesture :stream stream
:peek-p t
:timeout (and (not paused) timeout))
(t ob)))
(when (consp object) (execute-frame-command frame object))
;;; Process presentation type
(define-presentation-type process ())
;;; Define the commands.
(define-peek-command (com-operate-on-process)
((thing 'process))
(when (process-p thing)
(with-peek-frame (frame)
(with-slots (display-pane) frame
(let ((command (choose-process-command display-pane)))
(when command
`(,(symbol-function command) , thing))))))))
(clim:define-gesture-name :right :button :right)
(clim:define-gesture-name :right :pointer-button :right)
;;; Override the normal :right menu.
(define-presentation-translator operate-on-process-right
(process command #-clim-0.9 peek-frame :gesture :right)
(object presentation #+clim-0.9 gesture window x y)
presentation #+clim-0.9 gesture window x y
(values `(com-operate-on-process ,object) 'command))
(define-presentation-translator operate-on-process
(process command #-clim-0.9 peek-frame :gesture :select)
(object presentation #+clim-0.9 gesture window x y)
presentation #+clim-0.9 gesture window x y
(values `(com-operate-on-process ,object) 'command))
(defun choose-process-command (stream)
'(("Activate" :value com-activate-process)
("Deactivate" :value com-deactivate-process)
("Destroy" :value com-destroy-process)
("Restart" :value com-restart-process)
("No Operation" :value nil)) ; Darn CLIM menus
:associated-window stream))
(define-peek-frame-command (com-activate-process ;:menu ("Activate"
; :documentation "Activate this Process")
((thing 'process))
(and (process-p thing)
(activate-process thing)))
(define-peek-command (com-deactivate-process ;:menu ("DE-Activate"
; :documentation "Deactivate this Process")
((thing 'process))
(and (process-p thing)
#+lucid (not (eq thing SYSTEM:*IDLE-PROCESS*))
(deactivate-process thing)))
(define-peek-command (com-destroy-process)
((thing 'process))
(and (process-p thing)
#+lucid (not (eq thing lcl::*initial-process*))
(destroy-process thing)))
(define-peek-command (com-update :menu ("Update" :documentation "This happens automatically"))
;; Update the display. Since update happens automatically each
;; time through the command loop, this command doesn't need to
;; do anything.
(define-peek-command (com-redisplay :menu ("Redisplay" :documentation "Refresh the process window"))
(with-peek-frame (frame)
(with-peek-frame-slots (display-pane)
(window-clear display-pane)
(display-peek-status frame display-pane)
(define-peek-command (com-options :menu ("Options"
:documentation "Options for what to show in the main window"))
(with-peek-frame-slots (display-pane show-gc-p show-lisp-processes-p
(let ((gc show-gc-p)
(lisp show-lisp-processes-p)
(OS show-OS-processes-p)
(stream display-pane))
(when (not (eq :abort
(accepting-values (stream :own-window t)
(setq gc (accept 'boolean :stream stream
:default gc :prompt "Show GC"))
(terpri stream)
(setq lisp (accept 'boolean :stream stream
:default lisp
:prompt "Show LISP processes"))
(terpri stream)
(setq OS (accept 'boolean :stream stream
:default OS
:prompt "Show OS processes"))
(terpri stream)
(setf show-gc-p gc)
(setf show-lisp-processes-p lisp)
(setf show-OS-processes-p OS)))))
(define-peek-command (com-pause-process)
(with-peek-frame-slots (paused-p)
(setf paused-p
(not paused-p))))
(define-peek-command (com-restart-process)
((thing 'process))
(and (process-p thing)
#+lucid (not (eq thing lcl::*initial-process*))
(restart-process thing)))
(define-peek-command (com-faster :menu ("Faster" :documentation "Update the process window Faster than now"))
(with-peek-frame-slots (timeout timeout-growth-factor)
(setf timeout (/ timeout timeout-growth-factor))))
(define-peek-command (com-slower :menu ("Slower" :documentation "Update the process window Slower than now"))
(with-peek-frame-slots (timeout timeout-growth-factor)
(setf timeout (* timeout timeout-growth-factor))))
(define-peek-command (com-pause :menu ("Pause" :documentation "Stop or Start Refreshing the process window"))
(with-peek-frame-slots (paused-p)
(setf paused-p
(not paused-p))))
Here is a sample UNIX program that shows running processes
/bin/ps -aux | awk ' \
{if ($3 != "0.0") print $0}'
(defun check-OS (stream program)
(fresh-line stream)
(let ((pipe ()))
(setq pipe
(lcl::run-program (first program)
:arguments (rest program)
:output :stream :wait nil)
(excl:run-shell-command (first program)
:output :stream :wait nil))
(let ((line (read-line pipe nil nil)))
(if (null line) (return)
(updating-output (stream :unique-id line
:id-test #'equal
:cache-value line
:cache-test #'string=)
(format stream "~A" line)
(terpri stream)))))) ; Dart CLIM can't do "~%"
(close pipe))))
(eval-when (compile load eval)
(export 'peek))
(defun peek (&key create (width 500) (height 300))
"Start a peek frame."
(launch-frame 'peek-frame
:title "Peek"
:width width :height height
:create create)
(let ((frame (make-application-frame 'peek-frame
(open-root-window #+genera :sheet
#-genera :clx)
:top 150 :left 200
:right (+ 200 width) :bottom (+ 150 height))))
(mp:process-run-restartable-function "PEEK" 'clim:run-frame-top-level frame)
(let ((frame (make-application-frame 'peek-frame
:width width :height height
(run-frame-top-level frame)))
;;; end of file
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