CLIM mail archive
Re: apparent omission of a layout pane class
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 92 17:04:00 PDT
From: Bill York <>
It's only omitted in the sense that there isn't a high-level, built-in
language for laying out panes in bboard fashion (as there is for
row-column fashion). This is mostly because there is no need for one,
as there are no constraints to specify.
Thanks for your detailed example. I guess I should have asked earlier!
I echo your sentiments on the documentation. The only thing it says
regarding open-window-stream is, "The lowest-level primitive for
creating a CLIM window." I saw no indication of its utility until
your example.
It is true that a BulletinBoard has no constraints, but there is a
higher level Motif thing called a Form widget that is like a BulletinBoard
except that there are constraints to help resize gracefully. I
don't think it would be that hard to extend the :layout language of clim 2
to handle such things.
(vertically ()
(0.05 menu-bar)
(.95 (forming (display)
(:x .25 :y .25 :width .5 :height .5 selections))))))
This would have a menu-bar across the top, with a pane called "display"
covering the rest. At 1/4 of the way down and to the right of the origin
of "display" would be a pane called "selections".
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