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format-graph-from-root and Updating-output

has anyone gotten updating-output to work with format-graph-from-root?

what I want to do is have a tree showing, and have a node/leaf go
black when I select it, but not redraw the whole tree. I can't seem to
get this to work properly. I am (i blieve) using :unique-id :id-test
and :cache-value properly...

here's the code:

(clim:updating-output (stream
			   :unique-id (name myself)
			   :id-test #'string-equal
			   :cache-value (highlighted myself))
      (clim:with-output-as-presentation (:object myself :stream stream :single-box t)
	(multiple-value-bind (xpos ypos)
	    (clim:stream-cursor-position* stream)
	  (setq wid (ceiling (/ (clim:stream-string-width stream (string (name myself)))
	  (clim:draw-rectangle* stream (- xpos wid) ypos (+ xpos wid) (+ ypos 25) 
				:filled (slot-value myself 'highlighted)
				:ink clim:+foreground+
	  (clim:draw-text* stream (string (name myself)) xpos (+ ypos 10)
			   :align-x :center :align-y :center
			   :ink (if (slot-value myself 'highlighted)

each node is an object that has a name which is a string. whether it
should be black or not is based on the value of the slot

any thoughts?

Allegro 4.1
Clim 1.1
Motif 1.1
Sparc 2

 -- clint


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