CLIM mail archive
please HELP! with accept-values-pane problem
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1993 05:04 EDT
From: rudolf mittelmann <>
(clim:define-application-frame avp-test
((menu :command-menu
:default-text-style (clim:make-text-style :sans-serif :bold :small))
(avp-edit-area :accept-values
:display-function '(clim:accept-values-pane-displayer
:displayer display-avp-pane)
:display-after-commands t
:scroll-bars :vertical
:end-of-line-action :allow
:end-of-page-action :scroll)
You have fallen into the trap of over-specifying things. The problem
with over-specifying is that it is easy to get things wrong, which is
what you have done here. :DISPLAY-AFTER-COMMANDS T is incorrect --
If you omit the :DISPLAY-AFTER-COMMANDS option altogether, this will
probably work properly.
(design-area :application
:display-function 'display-design-area
:display-after-commands t
:incremental-redisplay t
:scroll-bars :both
:end-of-line-action :scroll
:end-of-page-action :scroll)
(:command-table (avp-test :inherit-from (clim:accept-values-pane)))
(:column 1
(menu :compute)
(design-area :rest)
(avp-edit-area 1/2)
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