CLIM mail archive


obeying the sheet protocol [correction]

[Oops, oversimplified the code in that last one.]

CLIM 2.0
Lispworks 3.2b and Allegro 4.2

When I execute code that sort of looks like this:

(labels ((map-over (sheet)
            (when (sheetp sheet)
              (dolist (kid (sheet-children sheet))
                <...some code...>
                (map-over kid)))))
  (map-over (frame-top-level-sheet *application-frame*)))

I get errors similar to this:

Error: No applicable methods for #<STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION SHEET-CHILDREN 10A4F9B0>
       with args (#<SCROLL-BAR-PANE :VERTICAL 100A3368>)

Is there some other way to insure that an object obeys the sheet protocol?

David L. Westbrook


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