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Improving incremental redisplay speed

   Date: Wed, 4 May 1994 19:41-0700
   From: Gregory M Anderson <>

The best way to do this is to use a "grid output record".  I have sent
a half-complete implementation of this to a few folks, including some
of the folks at BBN.  Has anybody been successful in using this?  If
so, I could be persuaded to just post the thing publicly.

   I have an application that manipulates a 2d matrix of info., much like
   a bitmap editor might.  I had been using formatting-table to display
   the matrix, but now matrix is larger, say 100 by 100 elements, and
   formatting-table with incremental redisplay became painfully slow.  So
   I put the following code together, with the thought that I would let
   incremental redisplay take care of gross redisplays but make it ignore
   the fine changes by controlling the :cache values correctly.  I
   figured I'd do the fine redisplay of matrix elements manually in a
   presentation to command translator.  So I recorded the output records
   of the matrix objects, and I can highlight them okay (in the
   translator), but I can't figure out how to change the way the
   displayed objects look depending on the state of the object by
   redrawing the output record in a new color.

   A code sample is included below.  The test function name is (test).
   Click on a track to open the 2d matrix.  I attempt to toggle the grid
   element color depending on the state of the underlying object in the
   function (define-table-frame-command (highlite-spot :name "Show")).

   A second question:  is this the best approach?

   Greg Anderson
   Applied Physics Laboratory
   University of Washington

   --- Sample code follows ---

   ;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-lisp; Package: (FAST-TABLE); Base: 10 -*-
   ;;;Genera 8.3 CLIM 2.0 (52.13)

   (defpackage :fast-table (:use CLIM-LISP CLIM))

   (in-package :fast-table)

   (defparameter *tracks* nil)
   (defvar *standard-gray* (make-ihs-color 1.2 0 0))
   (defclass data-navigator-view (textual-view) ())
   (defparameter +data-navigator-view+ (make-instance 'data-navigator-view))

   (defun test (&key (port (clim:find-port)))
     (setf *tracks* (loop for i below 2
			  collecting (make-instance 'track) into tracks
			  finally (return tracks)))
       ((framem (find-frame-manager :port port))
	(frame (make-application-frame 'table-frame
		 :pretty-name "ASAPS Frame"
		 :frame-manager framem
		 :height 600
		 :width 500
       (run-frame-top-level frame)))

   (define-application-frame table-frame ()
     (:command-table (table-frame :inherit-from (accept-values-pane)))
       (title-nav   :title
		    :display-string "Data Navigator")
       (nav         :application
		    :name :navigation
		    :display-function 'draw-data-navigator-display
		    :incremental-redisplay t	;Supplies outermost updating-output for nav pane
		    :display-after-commands nil
		    :scroll-bars :both
		    :end-of-page-action :scroll
       (pointer     :pointer-documentation)
       (menu     :command-menu))
     (:menu-bar nil)				; Suppress menu bar at the top
	 (vertically ()
	   (.05 title-nav)				;(:compute title-nav)
	   (:fill nav)
	   (.05 menu)				;(:compute menu)
	   (.04 pointer)				;(:compute pointer)

   (define-table-frame-command (com-exit-table-frame
				 :menu "Exit"
				 :name "Exit table formatter")
     (frame-exit *application-frame*))

   (defclass track ()
       ((exposed :accessor exposed :initform nil)
	(data :initform (make-grid))))

   (defclass spot ()
       ((beam :initarg :beam)
	(ping :initarg :ping)
	  :initarg :x-scaled)
	  :initarg :x-size)
	  :initarg :y-scaled)
	  :initarg :y-size)
	  :initarg :color
	  :accessor color)
	  :initform nil
	  :accessor output-record)

   (defun make-grid ()
     (let* ((sectors 20)
	    (beams 50)
	    (size 5)
	    (array (make-array `(,sectors ,beams)
			       (loop for sector below sectors
				     with y-size = size
				     for y-scaled = (* sector y-size)
				       (loop for beam from 0 below beams
					     with x-size = size
					     for x-scaled = (* beam x-size)
					       (make-instance 'spot :beam beam :ping sector
							      :x-scaled x-scaled :y-scaled y-scaled
							      :x-size x-size :y-size y-size
							      :color *standard-gray*)
					       into stuff
					     finally (return stuff))
				       into stuff
				     finally (return stuff)))))

   (defmethod draw-data-navigator-display ((frame table-frame) stream)
     (stream-set-cursor-position stream 0 0)
     (dolist (track *tracks*)
       (with-slots (exposed) track
	 (present track 'track :stream stream :view +data-navigator-view+ :sensitive t))))

   (defmethod draw-table ((object track) stream)
     (when (exposed object)
       (with-translation (stream 0 (nth-value 1 (stream-cursor-position stream)))
	 (with-slots (exposed data) object
	   (loop for sector from 0 below (elt (array-dimensions data) 0)
	     (loop for beam from 0 below (elt (array-dimensions data) 1)
	       (unless (output-record (aref data sector beam))
		 (setf (output-record (aref data sector beam))
		       (updating-output (stream :unique-id (aref data sector beam))
			 (present (aref data sector beam)
				  'spot :stream stream :view +data-navigator-view+)))

   (define-presentation-method present
			       (object (type track) stream
				       (view data-navigator-view) &key)
     (with-slots (exposed data) object
       (multiple-value-bind (x y)
	   (stream-cursor-position stream)
	 (updating-output (stream :unique-id object :cache-value exposed)
	   (stream-set-cursor-position stream 0 y)
	   (let* ((record (with-new-output-record (stream)
			    (format stream "~A~%" (type-of object))
			    (draw-table object stream)))
		  (width  (bounding-rectangle-width  record))
		  (height (bounding-rectangle-height record)))
	     (incf y height)
	     (stream-set-cursor-position stream 0 y))))))

   (define-table-frame-command (expose-track :name "Show")
       ((object 'track))
     (setf (exposed object) (not (exposed object)))

   (define-presentation-to-command-translator expose-track
       (track expose-track table-frame
	      :gesture :select
	      ;;:tester ((object) (not (exposed object)))
	      ;;:documentation ((stream object)
	      ;;		       (format-documentation stream (if (typep object 'track) "Open" "Show") object))
	      :pointer-documentation ((stream object)
				      (format-loc stream (if (typep object 'track) "Open" "Show") object))

   (defmethod format-loc (stream string (object track))
     (with-slots (x-scaled y-scaled beam ping) object
       (format stream "~:(~A ~A~)" string (type-of object))))

   (define-presentation-method present
			       (object (type spot) stream
				       (view data-navigator-view) &key)
     (with-slots (x-scaled x-size y-scaled y-size color) object
       (updating-output (stream :unique-id object :cache-value color)
	 (let ((adj (if (eq color *standard-gray*) -1 0)))
	   (draw-rectangle* stream x-scaled y-scaled (+ x-scaled x-size adj) (+ y-scaled y-size adj)
			    :filled t :ink color)
	   ;; Faster, but not significantly and does not provide presentation capabilities
	   ;;	(clim-internals::draw-rectangle-internal stream 0 0 x-scaled y-scaled
	   ;;         (+ x-scaled x-size adj) (+ y-scaled y-size adj) color (make-line-style :thickness 1)))
	   ;; Slower
	   ;;	(draw-point* stream x-scaled y-scaled :line-thickness 3 :ink color)
	   ;; Slower
	   ;;	      (draw-circle* stream x-scaled y-scaled (/ x-size 2)
	   ;;			    :filled t :ink color)

   (define-table-frame-command (highlite-spot :name "Show")
       ((object 'spot) (stream 'application-pane))
     (if (eq (color object) *standard-gray*)
	 (setf (color object) +red+)
	 (setf (color object) *standard-gray*))

     ;;  This works quick, but it messes up the history and breaks later
     ;(present object 'spot :stream stream :view +data-navigator-view+)

     ;;  This seems like what I should be doing, but it bombs.
     ;;  How do I update the output record based on the changed state of the data?
     ;;  Perhaps I need to delete the old output record and create a new one?
     (redisplay (output-record object) stream)

     (replay-output-record (output-record object) stream)
     (highlight-output-record (output-record object) stream :highlight)


   (define-presentation-to-command-translator highlite-spot
       (spot highlite-spot table-frame
	     :gesture :select
	     :pointer-documentation ((stream object)
				     (format-loc stream (if (typep object 'Spot) "Open" "Show") object)))
       (object window)
     `(,object ,window))

   (defmethod format-loc (stream string (object spot))
     (with-slots (x-scaled y-scaled beam ping) object
       (format stream "~:(~A (beam ~d ping ~d) ~A~)" string (1+ beam) (1+ ping) (type-of object))))

   (define-table-frame-command (highlite-spot :name "Show")
       ((object 'spot) (stream 'application-pane))
     (if (eq (color object) *standard-gray*)
	 (setf (color object) +red+)
	 (setf (color object) *standard-gray*))

     ;;  This works quick, but it messes up the history and breaks later
     ;(present object 'spot :stream stream :view +data-navigator-view+)

     ;;  This seems like what I should be doing, but it bombs.
     ;;  How do I update the output record based on the new state of the data?
     ;;  Perhaps I need to delete the old output record and create a new one?
     (redisplay (output-record object) stream)

     (replay-output-record (output-record object) stream)
     (highlight-output-record (output-record object) stream :highlight)


   (define-presentation-to-command-translator highlite-spot
       (spot highlite-spot table-frame
	     :gesture :select
	     :pointer-documentation ((stream object)
				     (format-loc stream (if (typep object 'Spot) "Open" "Show") object)))
       (object window)
     `(,object ,window))

   (defmethod format-loc (stream string (object spot))
     (with-slots (x-scaled y-scaled beam ping) object
       (format stream "~:(~A (beam ~d ping ~d) ~A~)" string (1+ beam) (1+ ping) (type-of object))))


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