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CLISP on MS Windows

Mr Ralf Muschall <prm@rz.uni-jena.de> told me how CLISP can be made to
run under Microsoft Windows. From his information I compiled the following
instructions. Can someone please verify whether these instructions are
correct? Please try it and tell me about your success or failure.

Installation under Microsoft Windows:

CLISP also runs in the DOS box of Microsoft Windows 3.1.
To achieve this, the following additional steps are necessary:

1. Get and install
   as described above. Also get

   copy delay.exe d:\lib\lisp

2. Get and install

3. Create a batch file that starts lisp:

   copy con c:\bat\winclisp.bat
   d:\lib\lisp\delay.exe 1
   c:\rsx\bin\rsx.exe d:\lib\lisp\lisp.exe -M d:\lib\lisp\lispinit.mem %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

   (The paths of course depend on your installation.)

4. Call the PIF editor and input the following:

   Program file name:      c:\bat\winclisp.bat
   Program title:          COMMON LISP
   Program parameters:     
   Start directory:        e:\lisp
   Screen:                 Text
   Memory requirements:    requires:  500      maximum:  640
   EMS memory:             requires:    0      maximum:    0
   XMS memory:             requires: 1024      maximum:   -1
   Display:                        [as you like]
   Quit_closes_window:             [as you like]
   Execution:                      [as you like]
   other_options:                  [as you like]

   (You will probably choose the directory which contains your lisp programs
   as start directory, instead of e:\lisp.)

   Save it under the name WINCLISP.PIF.

5. In the program manager, in a suitable group:

   Menu "File" -> "New" -> "Program", window "program properties".
   Input there:

   Description:            COMMON LISP
   Command line:           winclisp.pif
   Start directory:        e:\lisp
   Key combination:        Ctrl+Alt+Shift+L      [as you like]

Clicking with the mouse on the such created icon or pressing the key
combination given above will now start CLISP.


* If you want to provide command line parameters for CLISP, set the
  "Program parameters" field in the PIF editor to "?". You will then
  always be asked to input arguments for WINCLISP.BAT.

* Cut & Paste in DOS boxes (via menu "Edit" -> "Mark" resp.
  menu "Edit" -> "Insert") inserts an <Enter> at the end. Therefore one
  cannot re-edit a pasted line.

* But the editing facilities mentioned in CLISP.MAN work.

* Bugs in Microsoft Windows and/or RSX can cause system crashes.
  (That's also the reason for DELAY.EXE.) Good luck!

                    Bruno Haible