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bridge error in clisp-hs in lisp-interface program
- To: ilisp@naggum.no, clisp-list@ma2s2.mathematik.uni-karlsruhe.de
- Subject: bridge error in clisp-hs in lisp-interface program
- From: bshults@math.utexas.edu
- Date: Wed, 6 Mar 96 17:05:14 CST
- Cc: bshults@marie.ma.utexas.edu
- Posted-date: Wed, 6 Mar 96 17:05:14 CST
I have some code which sets up a bridge in my ilisp buffer so that my
lisp code can communicate with emacs. Thus I have a nifty
emacs-interface to my lisp program so that emacs key-bindings send
commands to the inferior lisp and the inferior lisp sends pretty
output to various emacs buffers. The idea and some of the code I
borrowed from David McAllester's Ontic program.
Anyway, it works with lucid, allegro and gcl but not clisp-hs. I have
has similar experiences with clisp-hs doing things with strings that
other lisps don't. I would really like it to work with clisp-hs but I
can't figure out the problem. It is one short .el file and a short
.lisp file. I append the files to this message and give instructions
for installing it. I have actually pared the files down to the bare
necessities. If anyone is interested in more of this code, let me
know. If anyone has similar code working for clisp-hs and is willing
to share it, please let me know.
Instructions for installation:
load emacs-eval.el into emacs
M-x load-file[Return]emacs-eval.el
load ilisp:
M-x [allegro|lucid|gcl|clisp-hs|whatever]
load emacs-eval.lisp into your ilisp
lisp-prompt> (load "emacs-eval.lisp")
If you use allegro or a lisp that handles packages according to ANSI,
you have to fix an error here but just do :continue 0 in allegro.
Try it out. You should get "it works" printed in the minibuffer.
lisp-prompt> (in-package :util)
lisp-prompt> (emacs-eval `(message ,(quote-string "it works")))
This works in allegro and gcl (and lucid, I think). This does not
work in clisp-hs (on my system). If you get it to work with clisp-hs,
please let me know.
--------------(Begin emacs-eval.el)--------------
;;; Emacs Eval independent module
;;(require 'ilisp)
(require 'bridge)
(provide 'emacs-eval)
(defvar *lisp-eval-buffer* "")
;; Always install bridge.
(add-hook 'clisp-hook '(lambda ()
(add-hook 'ilisp-init-hook
'(lambda () (install-bridge)))))
;; Set up bridge properly.
(setq bridge-hook
'(lambda ()
;; Don't insert in source or destination buffer
(setq bridge-source-insert nil)
(setq bridge-destination-insert nil)
;;; (setq bridge-chunk-size 250)
;; Set up bridge handler
(setq bridge-handlers
'((".*" . catch-lisp-eval)))))
;; Process info that comes to emacs from the bridge.
(defun catch-lisp-eval (process string)
(if string
(setq *lisp-eval-buffer* (concat *lisp-eval-buffer* string))
(let ((buffer (current-buffer))
(eval-string *lisp-eval-buffer*))
(setq *lisp-eval-buffer* "")
(condition-case err
(eval (read eval-string))
(with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Ipr-messages*"
(format "Bridge Error: %s on eval of: %s" err eval-string)))))
(set-buffer buffer))))
--------------(End emacs-eval.el)--------------
--------------(Begin emacs-eval.lisp)--------------
(in-package :util)
;; Doesn't bother to check for quotes in a string.
(defun simple-downcase (string)
(let ((in-string nil) (next nil))
(dotimes (x (length string))
(setq next (aref string x))
(cond ((and (not in-string) (char= next #\"))
(setq in-string t))
((and in-string (char= next #\"))
(setq in-string nil))
((not in-string)
(setf (aref string x) (char-downcase next)))))
(export 'emacs-eval)
(defvar *message-prefix* (format nil "~a" (character 27)))
(defvar *message-suffix* (format nil "~a" (character 29)))
;; If things stop working, exchange simple-downcase with string-downcase.
(defun emacs-eval (exp)
"This sends output in a form which will be picked up by the bridge."
(format t "~a~a~a"
(string-downcase (format nil "~a" exp))
;; (simple-downcase (format nil "~a" exp))
(export 'quote-string)
(defun quote-string (string)
(format nil "\"~a\"" string))
--------------(End emacs-eval.lisp)--------------
Benjamin Shults Email: bshults@math.utexas.edu
Department of Mathematics Phone: (512) 471-7711 ext. 208
University of Texas at Austin WWW: http://www.ma.utexas.edu/users/bshults
Austin, TX 78712 USA Office: RLM 10.142