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Spanish Translation of CLisp

Hi, there:

This message is sent simultaneously to the CLisp-Mailing List and
the Spanish GNU-Mailing List, so I'll use english for speaking.

[Este mensaje es enviado, al mismo tiempo, a las listas de correo
de CLisp y Spanish GNU de modo que usare el ingles para hablar]

This message contains an attachment with many questions about CLisp.
Section 1 will be of special interest for the CLisp-Mailing List
readers, and Section 2 is especially intended for spanish speakers. 
Please, I've worked a lot and I think I can finish my work but it
won't be possible to do it if some of you don't help.

Thanks in advance for your help,...

P.D. Special Thanks to Bruno Haible and Marcus Daniels who have
expressed their interest in the translation :) Thanks again, ... :)
and Happy New Year to all!!

Carlos Linares Lopez
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory 
Facultad de Informatica       
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Espana (Spain)
This file contains some questions about the translation of

	Translated:	603
	Untranslated:	727
	Total:		1330	(a lot of messages!! ;)

Some of the questions are about technical aspects. It ought not to be
necessary to speak in spanish for answering them, but it is highly
recommended to be experienced in the use of CLisp. However, other
ones, are simply difficult to translate. They are mainly intended for
the spanish spoken members of the list (clisp or spanish GNU).

So, all the questions will be divided in two sections: 1 and 2

(Although you don't speak in spanish, you could read the questions of
section 2, and tell me what the questions mean but in order terms,

Moreover, I'll offer the german and french translations of the
unstralated sentences of section 2 so, they could help you if you
speak any of those languages.



1. I know of the FFI capabilities of CLisp. However, what's an
"Incomplete FFI type"?

2. When does the message "Keypad-" appear?. The Keypad is the set of
numeric keys that are at the left of the keyboard. But I need to know
with which kind of messages does it join to know how to translate it.

3. What's "Mach"? How to translate the messages:

 "Mach exc_server didn't succeed."
 "Mach msg_receive didn't succeed."
 "Mach msg_send didn't succeed."
 "Mach msg_send to old_exception_port didn't succeed."
 "Mach port_allocate fails."
 "Mach task_get_exception_port fails."
 "Mach task_set_exception_port fails."

   What are "exc_server", "msg_receive", "msg_send",
"old_exception_port", "port_allocate", "task_set_exception_port",
"task_set_exception_port"? Primitives? Functions? Constants?

4. What's a multihop (in the message "Multihop attempted")?

5. What's a record lock ("No record locks available")

6. Which kind of operations could generate the message "Operation
would block" (file error.d, line 1289)?

7. When will be seen the message "Resource deadlock would occur" (file
error.d, line 1711)

8. I don't know so much CLOS as I'd like, ... :( What does it mean
"STANDARD method combination doesn't allow the method qualifiers to be
~S" Why is "STANDARD" capitalized?

9. What's a "Srmount error"?

10. What's a "Stale NFS file handle"?

11. What does it mean the message "The closing directive '~A' does not
have a corresponding opening one.". If I haven't forget the little
CLISP I know, ~A has no opening or closing directives! Perhaps, I
don't know exactly what an opening or closing directive is, ...,
please, help me!

12. When do the messages "The following restarts are available too:"
and "The following restarts are available:" appear? (file user1.lsp,
lines 398 and 403). 

13. What's the meaning (in english) of "Too many levels of remote in
path". When does it appear? Is it related to communications or what?
Could you explain it in easy words so I could translate it? (think of
me as a very silly guy ;)

14. The message "Too many references: can't splice" is untranslated in
DEUTSCH and FRANCAIS, why? must I translate it or not? (file error.d,
line 1567). Does this message mean the same than "Too many references:
can't join"?

15. (This question is specially directed to Marcus, because he
"gettext"ized clisp) The tag "[end]cannot close" (file spvw.d, line
986) contains no text!!!!:

(taken from the source code, ...)

            //: DEUTSCH " nicht füllen."
            //: ENGLISH " ."
            //: FRANCAIS " ."
            asciz_out(GETTEXT("[end]cannot fill file"));
            return -1; # error

(lines 983 - 989) As you can see, ENGLISH and FRANCAIS messages are "
." Hmmm, could I put " ." too? :) I'd like!! :)

The same apply to "[end]cannot delete", "[end]cannot fill file",
"[end] ..." ... (all!)

16. The message "block frame " (file constobj.d, line 937) is a piece
of a longer sentence. What other messages join with this one? (this
question is related to question 13 of section 2).

17. "cannot allocate private shared memory segment" (file spvw.d, line
1167), what does it really mean? (what it says?) how can it be
possible to share anything that's private? what cannot be allocated,
the whole segment or a part of it?



1. How to translate "Cross-device link"?
	(DEUTSCH liens uniquement sur la même unité)
	(FRANCAIS Links können nur aufs selbe Gerät gehen)

2. How to translate "Inappropiate ioctl for device"?
	(DEUTSCH "Falscher Gerätetyp")
	(FRANCAIS "Périphérique ne comprend pas ce ioctl")

3. What's a marker? "Lambda list marker ~S not allowed here."
	(DEUTSCH "Dieser Lambdalistenmarker ist an dieser Stelle nicht erlaubt: ~S")
	(FRANCAIS "Le marqueur de liste lambda ~S n'est pas permis ici.")

4. How to translate profile in: "Modifying the parameter profile of ~S"
	(DEUTSCH "Das Parameter-Profil von ~S wird modifiziert.")
	(FRANCAIS "On change le nombre / l'ordre des arguments de ~S.")

5. What's the meaning of "dropped" in "Network dropped connection on
	(DEUTSCH "Rechner bootete, Verbindung gekappt")
	(FRANCAIS "Le réseau a rompu la connection à cause d'une remise à zéro")

6. How to translate "expander" in the sentence "The SETF expander for
~S may not be called with ~S arguments."
	(DEUTSCH "Der SETF-Expander für ~S kann nicht mit ~S Argumenten aufgerufen werden.")
	(FRANCAIS "L'«expandeur» SETF pour ~S ne peut pas être appelé avec ~S arguments.")

7. An uneasy question, ..., how to translate "fill pointer"? 

8. Other uneasy question, ..., a "supplied-variable" is the third
element for the definition of special variables in the lambda list of
functions or macros, isn't it?: (variable default-value
supplied-variable) ..., and how do you say that in spanish in the
sentence "The lambda list of macro ~S contains an invalid
supplied-variable ~S"?

	(DEUTSCH "Die Lambdaliste des Macros ~S enthält eine unzulässige supplied-Variable: ~S")
	(FRANCAIS "La liste lambda du macro ~S contient une «supplied-variable» indamissible : ~S")

NOTE.	It is not translated in French, ..., but I'd like to avoid that
	kind of things, ...

9. "A readtable is a data structure that maps characters into syntax
types for the Lisp expression parser. In particular, a readtable
indicates for each character with syntax macro character what its
macro definition is. This is a mechanism by which the user may
reprogram the parser to a limited but useful extent." (Common Lisp -
The Language. 2nd edition; Guy L. Steele Jr.) How do you say it in
spanish?  "Tabla de lectura"? The question is that spanish speakers
could recognize the structure by its name: "readtable", but will they
identify it with the expression "Tabla de lectura"? when, in fact, it
is a "tabla de lectura", ...

10. What's the spanish term for a "modifier": "modificador",
"calificador", "cualificador"? For instance, ... "The ~~[
directive cannot take both modifiers."
	(DEUTSCH "~~[ geht nicht mit : und @ gleichzeitig.")
	(FRANCAIS "La directive ~~[ ne peut pas accepter les deux qualificateurs : et @ en même temps.")

11. What's a "hunk"? (in computer science, I mean) The message is "bad
loadfile hunk" (file error.d, line 614)
	(DEUTSCH "Datei teilweise nicht ladbar")
	(FRANCAIS "fichier pas entièrement chargeable")

12. How to translate "template"? (file error.d, line 385): "bad
	(DEUTSCH "ungültiges Muster")
	(FRANCAIS "mauvais schéma")

13. Other unpleasant expression: "block frame", could anybody
translate it? (it is necessary to know spanish and CLisp, because I'd
like to translate it in the context of Common Lisp). At least, could
you explain its meaning in other words? (this question is related to
question 16 of the section 1).
	(DEUTSCH "Block-Frame ")
	(FRANCAIS "«frame» BLOCK ")

Note. As you can see, it remains unchanged in other languages, ...

14. Everybody know what a buffer is, ..., everybody use to call
"buffer" to the buffers, so, how must I call it? The conflicting
sentence is "buffer overflow" (file error.d, line 658).
	(DEUTSCH "Puffer-Überlauf")
	(FRANCAIS "débordement de tampon")

Note.   tampon is a spanish term too ("tampón") but it doesn't sound
	well at all.