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Redefinition of classes having existing instances
- To: commonloops.parc@xerox.com
- Subject: Redefinition of classes having existing instances
- From: harrisr@turing.cs.rpi.EDU (Richard Harris)
- Date: Mon, 1 Oct 1990 15:08:57 PDT
Redefinition of classes having existing instances can make
the old instances unusable because of two bugs. Here are
test cases and fixes for both bugs.
Richard Harris
;1. Fix a bug in invalidate-wrapper: when the state is obsolete,
; the state of every previous wrapper must be changed to obsolete.
; [added the form (when (eq state 'obsolete) ...).]
(defclass c1 () ())
(defclass c1a () ())
(defclass c3 (c1) ((a :initform 'one))))
(defmethod test ((v c3)) (slot-value v 'a))
(print (test (setq z1 (make-instance 'c3)))) ; => ONE
(defclass c3 (c1a) ((a :initform 'one))))
(defclass c2 () ((b :initform 'two)))
(defclass c3 (c2) ((a :initform 'one)))
(print (test (setq z2 (make-instance 'c3)))) ; => ONE
(defclass c2 () ((b :initform 'two)))
(print (test z2)) ; => TWO
(print (test z1)) ; error
- - - - - - - - - - - -
(defun invalidate-wrapper (owrapper state nwrapper)
(ecase state
((flush obsolete)
(let ((new-previous ()))
;; First off, a previous call to invalidate-wrapper may have recorded
;; owrapper as an nwrapper to update to. Since owrapper is about to
;; be invalid, it no longer makes sense to update to it.
;; We go back and change the previously invalidated wrappers so that
;; they will now update directly to nwrapper. This corresponds to a
;; kind of transitivity of wrapper updates.
(dolist (previous (gethash owrapper *previous-nwrappers*))
(when (eq state 'obsolete) ; obsolete must override flush
(setf (car previous) 'obsolete))
(setf (cadr previous) nwrapper)
(push previous new-previous))
(iterate ((type (list-elements wrapper-layout))
(i (interval :from 0)))
(when (eq type 'number) (setf (wrapper-ref owrapper i) 0)))
(push (setf (wrapper-state owrapper) (list state nwrapper))
(setf (gethash owrapper *previous-nwrappers*) ()
(gethash nwrapper *previous-nwrappers*) new-previous)))))
;2. The code generated by add-pv-binding (called by defmethod) is not
prepared to handle cache misses caused by invalid wrappers, but
discriminating functions which call protect-cache-miss-code do not
always call check-wrapper-validity.
(defclass c1 () ())
(defclass c2 () ((b :initform 'two)))
(defclass c3 (c2) ((a :initform 'one)))
(defvar *list1*)
(setq *list1* (list (make-instance 'c3) (make-instance 'c3)))
(defvar *list2*)
(setq *list2* (list (make-instance 'c3) (make-instance 'c3)))
(defclass c3 (c1) ((a :initform 'one))))
(defclass c3 (c2) ((a :initform 'one)))
(defmethod test-list ((v c3) &rest list)
(if list
(cons (slot-value v 'a) (apply #'test-list list))
(list (slot-value v 'a))))
(pcl::invalidate-discriminating-function #'test-list)
(print (apply #'test-list *list1*)) ; => (TWO TWO)
(print (apply #'test-list *list2*)) ; => (TWO TWO); (ONE TWO) if invalidate-wrapper is fixed
- - - - - - - - - - - -
(defmacro protect-cache-miss-code (gf args &body body)
(let ((wrappers (gensym)) (invalidp (gensym)) (function (gensym)) (appl (gensym)))
(once-only (gf args)
`(if (memq ,gf *invalid-dfuns-on-stack*)
(multiple-value-bind (,wrappers ,invalidp ,function ,appl)
(cache-miss-values ,gf ,args)
(declare (ignore ,wrappers ,invalidp))
(if (null ,appl)
(no-applicable-method ,gf ,args) ; or maybe (apply #'no-applicable-method ,gf ,args)
(apply ,function ,args)))
(let ((*invalid-dfuns-on-stack* (cons ,gf *invalid-dfuns-on-stack*)))