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bug in nested :around methods
- To: John Alan McDonald <jam%entropy.ms@beaver.cs.washington.edu>
- Subject: bug in nested :around methods
- From: Gregor.pa@Xerox.COM
- Date: Tue, 9 Feb 88 17:16 PST
- Cc: commonloops.PA@Xerox.COM
- Fcc: BD:>Gregor>mail>outgoing-mail-1.text
- In-reply-to: <8802092215.AA16980@entropy.ms.washington.edu>
- Line-fold: no
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 88 14:15:07 PST
From: jam%entropy.ms@beaver.cs.washington.edu (John Alan McDonald)
;;; In PCL version 2-7-88, Symbolics Genera 7.1,
;;; nested :around methods cause infinite loops:
The following patch to the file boot.lisp fixes this. To save yourself
time installing this patch, it is alright to put it in a patches file
which is loaded after all of PCL is loaded. In other words, there is no
need to recompile all of PCL just to install this patch.
(defun expand-defmethod-body-internal
(generic-function-name lambda-list specializers body env)
(multiple-value-bind (doc declares real-body)
(extract-declarations body env)
(declare (ignore doc)) ;We drop it on the floor
;since it gets recorded
(let ((class-declarations
`(declare ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (a s)
(and (symbolp s) `(class ,a ,s)))
(call-next-method-p nil)
(save-original-args nil)
(original-args ())
(applyp nil)
(walked-lambda nil))
(flet ((walk-function (form context env &aux temp)
(cond ((not (eq context ':eval)) form)
((not (listp form)) form)
((eq (car form) 'call-next-method)
(setq call-next-method-p 't
save-original-args (not (cdr form)))
((and (eq (car form) 'function)
(eq (cadr form) 'call-next-method))
(setq call-next-method-p 't
save-original-args 't)
((and (or (eq (car form) 'slot-value)
(eq (car form) 'set-slot-value))
(symbolp (cadr form))
(constantp (caddr form))
(setq temp (variable-class (cadr form) env))
(or (not (symbolp temp))
(setq temp (class-named temp 't))))
(ecase (car form)
(slot-value (optimize-slot-value temp form))
(set-slot-value (optimize-set-slot-value temp form))))
(t form))))
(setq walked-lambda (walk-form
`(lambda ,lambda-list
(block ,generic-function-name ,@real-body))
(when save-original-args
;; We are going to have to be able to store away the original
;; arguments to the function. Get ourselves an argument list
;; to do this with.
(dolist (a lambda-list)
(if (member a lambda-list-keywords)
(if (eq a '&aux)
(setq applyp t)
(push '&rest original-args)
(push (gensym) original-args)
(push (gensym) original-args)))
(setq original-args (reverse original-args)))
(multiple-value-bind (doc walked-declares walked-lambda-body)
(extract-declarations (cddr walked-lambda))
(declare (ignore doc))
(cond ((null call-next-method-p) walked-lambda)
((null save-original-args)
`(lambda ,lambda-list
(let ((.next-method. (car *next-methods*))
(*next-methods* (cdr *next-methods*)))
(flet ((call-next-method (&rest cnm-args)
(apply .next-method. cnm-args)))
((null applyp)
`(lambda ,original-args
(let ((.next-method. (car *next-methods*))
(*next-methods* (cdr *next-methods*)))
(flet ((call-next-method (&rest cnm-args)
(if cnm-args
(apply .next-method. cnm-args)
(funcall .next-method. ,@original-args))))
(let ,(mapcar #'list lambda-list original-args)
`(lambda ,original-args
(let ((.next-method. (car *next-methods*))
(*next-methods* (cdr *next-methods*)))
(flet ((call-next-method (&rest cnm-args)
(if cnm-args
(apply .next-method. cnm-args)
(apply .next-method.
,@(remove '&rest original-args)))))
(apply (function ,walked-lambda)
,@(remove '&rest original-args))))))))))))