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Toronto Year2000 Conference

The Year2000 Information Network ("Network") in partnership
with DCI, the largest US-based provider of conferences and 
exhibitions to the IT community, has recently formed a Year2000
Conference & Seminar Series for the Province of Ontario. 

The objective of the "Series" is to share Year2000 methodologies,
strategies and conversion techniques as well as supply project
managers with the information they need to manage Year2000 projects.
(11 events are planned for 1997 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre
and the Howard Johnson Hotel).

As an attendee you'll receive a free report that lists over 100
and managers who would like to work on Year2000 projects and or 
provide their services as professional speakers/lecturers.  If you would
like to be added to this list please let us know. 

More information at http://web.idirect.com/~mbsprog


250 to 500 attendees are expected at each monthly Year2000
seminar or conference.

10,000 IT professionals are expected to attend 
DCI's Database & Client/Server World Expo at the Metro
Toronto Convention Centre.  Be sure to visit the Year2000 
Information Network Pavilion on the Expo floor and the
Year2000 conferences downstairs.


March Event:  

The next event will be held on March 24, 1997, 12:00 pm - 
5:00 pm at the Howard Johnson, Weston Ballroom,  2737 
Keele Street, North York,  (At Keele & 401, North of the 401).   
Cost: $25.

April Event:  

The April event will be held at the Metro Toronto 
Convention Centre as part of DCI's Database & Client/Server 
World in Toronto, April 15-17.  Cost:  $40

Full day conferences are planned for May, June, July, August,
September, October & November, 1997.


Speakers include Peter de Jager, Kenn Orr, Andre Lefreneure, 
Leland Freeman, Girard Pedley, Jim Wood, Hiroo Tadaney,
Pat Brooks, Gord Stein,  etc...


DCI, Transition Software, Miasoft Inc, Challenge 2000 Inc, 
Year2000 Information Network, Look Multimedia Inc., Xpress 
Software Inc., Contractors Network Corporation, Sterling Software,
Transformation Systems Inc., Microm Management Accountants, MBS
Program, National Computer Consulting, etc...


Please complete and fax the form below to (905) 819-8013.
Call (905) 454-8577 or (416) 650-9475 to register.  Email to 
mbsprog@idirect.com.  Register online at 

Name:  _______________________________________

Title: _________________________________________

Number of Attendees: ____________________________

Company: _____________________________________

Tel: __________________________________________

Fax: _________________________________________

Email: ________________________________________

For more information point your web browser 
to http://web.idirect.com/~mbsprog

10,000 plus IT decision makers expected - Visit the Year2000 
Information Network Pavilion.  Sponsored by DCI and the 
Year2000 Information Network.

March 24, 1997               Howard Johnson Hotel  - Toronto
April 15 - 17, 1997          Metro Toronto Convention Centre
Tel:   (416) 650-9475 	    http://web.idirect.com/~mbsprog
Tel:   (905) 454-8577       mbsprog@idirect.com      
Fax:  (905) 819-8013       year2000@interlog.com