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New Version of Express Windows

I'm a little hesitant to do this, lest I become known as the "maintainer"
of Express Windows (which I'm not), but here goes anyway ...

Announcing the availability of a new version of Express Windows.  There are
two reasons for wanting to release this new version.  The first is to unify
bug fixes and other suggestions which have appeared on this list.  The
second is to encourage further enhancements through other user submissions.
This release should help in establishing a baseline from which other
modifications can evolve.

This version, which is dubbed the "Goodwill" version of Express Windows,
represents the version currently in use at The Boeing Company.  However,
neither Boeing nor I accept responsibility to anyone for the consequences
of using it or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at
all.  There is no express or implied warranty.  Neither does the release of
this version consitute endorsement of Express Windows by The Boeing

Some of the features of Goodwill EW are:

 - Should work with Victoria, Rainy and May Day PCL and Symbolics CLOS.

 - Should work with CLX R3 & R4.3.

 - Compiled and cursorily tested in 
    - Sun/Lucid Common Lisp 3.0.2 (Sun 3, SunOS 4.1)
    - Franz Allegro Common Lisp 3.1.13 (Sun 3, SunOS 4.1)
    - Symbolics Common Lisp (Symbolics 3650, Genera 8.0)

 - Numerous (too numerous to list) bugs and compilation warning messages
   from the original version have been handled. [Note: not all of 'em have
   been handled, though.  If you know how to handle the remaining ones, let
   us know.]

 - CLX and PCL are not distributed with Goodwill EW.

Goodwill Express Windows can be FTPed (user: anonymous, password: <your
email address>) from atc.boeing.com (IP address []).  In the
/pub/ew/ directory is the file express-windows.goodwill.tar.Z.  This is a
compressed tar file containing Goodwill Express Windows.  Also in that
directory is express-windows.original.tar.Z, which is the original version
of Express Windows.  Consult the COPYING file in that directory for license
agreement information.  Consult the READ_ME.GOODWILL file in that directory
for more information.

Our Lisp environments are probably not quite the same as other users.  We
are working primarily with Symbolics Genera 8.0, Lucid Common Lisp 3.0.2,
and Franz' Allegro Common Lisp 3.1.13.  Additionally, we are using May Day
PCL in Lucid and Allegro, Symbolics' native CLOS, and CLX R4.3.  

While no deliberate attempt has been made by us to drop support in EW for
any CL, CLOS, or CLX implementation, we haven't tried, either, to insure
compatibility with any version other than those listed above.  Goodwill EW
should work in non-May Day versions of PCL and in CLX R3.  We have, no
doubt, inadvertantly missed some things.  I urge you to let everyone know
of any incompatibilities you discover by sending a note to
express-windows@atc.boeing.com.  Likewise, any other enhancements,
suggestions, questions, comments, et al, should be directed to

This is the first time I've ever been involved in the Internet-wide
distribution of a system.  I expect that this initial release will reveal
configuration / installation problems that I have overlooked.  As a result,
this release should probably be dubbed "BETA".  Once any initial
difficulties are handled, a "RELEASED" Goodwill version will be posted (if
necessary; I'm crossing my fingers :-).

One final note.  I make no promises that there will ever be another release
of EW by me or anyone at Boeing beyond this Goodwill version.  My primary
duties at Boeing do not involve supporting EW.  Enough said.

I hope everyone finds this release useful and will decide to contribute
their enhancements for all to use.

Good Luck,

Stephen L. Nicoud  <snicoud@atc.boeing.com>  uw-beaver!bcsaic!snicoud
Boeing Advanced Technology Center for Computer Sciences