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patch to with-compilation-unit in defsystem.lisp
There were a few bugs in the definition of with-compilation-unit in
ew/code/defsystem.lisp. I think the appended replacement code should work
Stephen L. Nicoud <snicoud@atc.boeing.com> uw-beaver!bcsaic!snicoud
Boeing Advanced Technology Center for Computer Sciences
(defmacro with-compilation-unit ((&rest options &key override (verbose :default) &allow-other-keys) &body body)
#-excl (declare (ignore options))
(setq override (case override
#+lispm (:warn :just-warn)
#-lucid (:query nil)
(t override)))
`(#+lucid lucid::with-deferred-warnings
#+symbolics compiler:compiler-warnings-context-bind
#-(or lucid symbolics) progn
(let (#+lispm (SYS:INHIBIT-FDEFINE-WARNINGS ,override)
#+lucid (lcl::*redefinition-action* ,override)
#+excl (excl::*redefinition-warnings* ,override)
#+excl (compiler::*compile-verbose* (if (eq ':default ,verbose) compiler::*compile-verbose* ,verbose))
#+lucid (lucid::*compiler-options* (apply #'lucid::process-compiler-options
(unless (eq ':default ,verbose) (list ':messages ,verbose))))
#+symbolics (compiler::compiler-verbose (if (eq ':default ,verbose) compiler::compiler-verbose ,verbose)))
#+(or symbolics excl lucid)
(declare (special #+symbolics compiler::compiler-verbose
#+excl compiler::*compile-verbose*
#+lucid lucid::*compiler-options*))