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- To: franz-friends@Berkeley
- From: freemant%rpi.csnet@csnet-relay.ARPA
- Date: Mon, 25 Feb 85 12:43:17 GMT
- Original-date: Mon, 25 Feb 85 04:43:17 pst
Hello! Our version of lxref didn't work right when it was passed the -a
option, so I fixed it. Someone may want to use the -a option on lxref one
of these days, so I am mailing you my fixes in hopes that you will
distribute them.
Things are kind of chaotic around here, so I am not sure that I was working
with the most current version of lxref. Make sure that your current version
of lxref matches the code that I changed before you edit in my changes.
The origional definition of the function process-annotate-file left files
open. Because the lisp interpreter can only have a finite number of files
open at once, this caused lxref to bomb when it was given a large job to do.
To fix this, I changed the definition of process-annotate-file from:
(defun process-annotate-file (filename)
(let (sourcep outp)
; make sure file exists and write annotate file as a
; file with the prefix #,
(if (null (errset (setq sourcep (infile filename))))
then (msg "will ignore that file " N)
else ; will write to file.A (erasing the final l)
(let ((filen (concat "#," filename)))
(setq outp (outfile filen))
(anno-it sourcep outp)
(close outp)
; now mv the original filename to #dfilename
; and the annotated file to the original file
(let ((oldcopy (concat "#." filename)))
(if (null (errset
(progn (if (probef oldcopy)
then (sys:unlink oldcopy))
(sys:link filename oldcopy)
(sys:unlink filename)
(sys:link filen filename)
(sys:unlink filen))))
then (msg "An error occured while mving files around "
"files possibly affected "
filename oldcopy filen)))))))
(defun process-annotate-file (filename)
(let (sourcep outp)
; make sure file exists and write annotate file as a
; file with the prefix #,
(if (null (errset (setq sourcep (infile filename))))
then (msg "will ignore that file " N)
else ; will write to file.A (erasing the final l)
(let ((filen (concat "#," filename)))
(setq outp (outfile filen))
(anno-it sourcep outp)
(close outp)
(close sourcep)
; now mv the original filename to #dfilename
; and the annotated file to the original file
(let ((oldcopy (concat "#." filename)))
(if (null (errset
(progn (if (probef oldcopy)
then (sys:unlink oldcopy))
(sys:link filename oldcopy)
(sys:unlink filename)
(sys:link filen filename)
(sys:unlink filen))))
then (msg "An error occured while mving files around "
"files possibly affected "
filename oldcopy filen)))))))
Note that the only change is the insertion of one close statement.
The other bug I found was that find-func miserably failed to do its job
right. The origional version of the function looked like this:
(defun find-func (buf)
; first locate first space or tab
(do ((i 1 (1+ i))
(max (cxr 0 buf))
((or (setq die (not (<& i max)))
(memq (cxr i buf) '(#\space #\tab)))
(if die
then nil ; can find it, so give up
else ; find first non blank
(do ((ii i (1+ ii)))
((or (setq die (not (<& ii max)))
(not (memq (cxr ii buf) '(#\space #\tab))))
(if (or die (eq (cxr ii buf) #\lpar))
then nil
else ; fid first sep or left paren
(do ((iii (1+ ii) (1+ iii)))
((or (not (<& iii max))
(memq (cxr iii buf)
'(#\space #\tab #\lpar)))
(implode-fun buf ii (1- iii)))))))))))
Not unsurprisingly, this code didn't work. I discarded it and rewrote the
function in a much simpler fashion:
(defun find-func (buf)
(let ((i 1)
(max (cxr 0 buf))
(result nil))
(loop until (or (greaterp i max) (memq (cxr i buf) '(#\space #\tab)))
do (setq i (+ i 1)))
(loop while (and (not (greaterp i max))
(memq (cxr i buf) '(#\space #\tab))) do
(setq i (+ i 1)))
(loop until (or (greaterp i max)
(memq (cxr i buf)
'(#\space #\tab #.(getcharn '|(| 1)))) do
(setq result (cons (cxr i buf) result))
(setq i (+ i 1)))
(if result then (implode (reverse result)) else nil)))
The error in the origional definition of find-func caused the -a option to
always do nothing. It is surprising that no one caught the fact that the -a
option was useless earlier. (However, I am not sure that the source that I
was looking at came from your tape, so perhaps it isn't your fault.) In any
case, my version works.
Tim Freeman