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sxhash, Franz function info and the maclisp-style array package.
- To: franz-friends at MIT-MC
- Subject: sxhash, Franz function info and the maclisp-style array package.
- From: FININ at WHARTON-10 (Tim Finin)
- Date: Fri, 17 Jul 81 20:42:00 GMT
- Original-date: 17 Jul 1981 (Friday) 1642-EDT
Three questions that some of the friends of Franz may be able
to answer:
[1] Does Franz have a hashing function like maclisp's SXHASH?
If not, has anyone written one?
[2] For a compiled function or a built-in system function, is there any
way to get its type and the number of arguments it requires?
[3] We've been having problems with the MacLisp compatable array
package - it doesn't work! Does anyone have a debugged version?
- Tim -