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Re: New system released

This system comes with microcode 786, and will probably not work with older
microcode versions.  Microcode 786 is compatible with older systems.

This system comes with Zmail 33.4.  The Zmail changes are documented in a
separate release message to INFO-ZMAIL.

The following system changes may be of interest.  There are no really
incompatible changes this time.

The M-X Bug command in the editor now always prompts for the recipient
name, since so many people could not figure out how to get that

The meaning of :INCLUDED-FLAVORS and :NO-VANILLA-FLAVOR has been changed
in the flavor system.  A new option, :REQUIRED-FLAVORS, now exists.  Details
are in the file LMMAN;FLAVOR (the manual chapter on flavors).

The argument to ESC F is interpreted slightly differently.  The self
documentation reflects this change.  In particular, ESC F fingers on
your login machine, which should work now even if it is a Tops-20.

FORMAT now has a $ operator, identical to the one in Maclisp FORMAT.  Documentation
online in LMMAN;FD.FIO.

If ZWEI:*MOUSE-CLICK-ALWAYS-SELECTS* is non-NIL, mouse clicks in the
editor always select the window.

The #X reader macro now works correctly, the form following the #X is read with
IBASE bound to 16. and SI:XR-EXTENDED-IBASE-P bound to T.  This causes things of
the form: "+A0F" and "+FOO" to be interpreted as fixnums rather than as symbols.
It does NOT yet work to bind BASE to something larger than 10., use format to
print hex numbers if that is what you want.

Previously unannounced # reader macro: "#|".  Text between #| and the matching |#
is treated as a comment.  They nest correctly.  The are useful for long comments
or commenting out sections of code.

For MacLisp compatibility, defstruct no longer requires its keyword arguments
to be in the keyword package.  It now treats them in a similar manner to
the way LOOP treats its keywords.  Unless you are trying to be compatible
with MacLisp, you are encouraged to continue to type those colons.

New function TV:SET-DEFAULT-FONT intended to be called by users to
change what font they want programs to display in by default.
Associated are the variable TV:*DEFAULT-FONT*, the message
(This mostly works, there are some small bugs with it which will be
fixed some time later.)

A new function PRESS:PRINT-XGP-FILE behaves like the /XGP option to the
:DOVER program.  This is useful for printing Bolio output.

The compiler's temporary area handling has been changed slightly.  The compiler
now binds DEFAULT-CONS-AREA only while doing its internal processing
(WHICH INCLUDES CALLING THE USER'S MACROS).  It no longer does input or output
with the temporary area in effect.  Note however, that it is still the case
that the conses of the source program read in are allocated in the temporary
area (data types other than conses are not put in the temporary area by READ.)

New status functions, (STATUS OPSYS) and (STATUS SITE), for compatibility
with Maclisp.  (STATUS FILESYS), a member of the same family, is
deliberately omitted since the Lisp machine can deal with more than one
file system at a time.