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Need help changing the font of a pop-up menu

HELP!  I am using the pop-up menu items example code to
develop some specialized dialogs, and I have decided to
use '("monaco" 9 :plain) as my standard dialog font.

But the pop-up menus are drawn in the system font, which
is '("chicago" 12).  Result?  Ick.

According to Inside Mac, there is no way to change this.
Is this really true or can anyone out there help?  What
follows is sample sample junk code that plays around with


  -- Luke

(setf test-dial
      (oneof *dialog*
             :window-size #@(180 40)
             :window-title "Pop-up Menu Test"
              (oneof *pop-up-menu*
                     :dialog-item-text "Wowie"
                     :dialog-item-nick-name 'test-menu
                     :dialog-item-font '("monaco" 9 :plain)
                      (oneof *menu-item*
                             :menu-item-title "item one"
                              (lambda ()
                                (declare (special test-dial))
                                (ask test-dial
                                  (ask-named-item 'test-menu
                                    (set-dialog-item-text "one")))
                                (print 1))))
                      (oneof *menu-item*
                             :menu-item-title "item two"
                              (lambda ()
                                (declare (special test-dial))
                                (ask test-dial
                                  (ask-named-item 'test-menu
                                    (set-dialog-item-text "two")))
                                (print 2))))

                      (oneof *menu-item*
                             :menu-item-title "item three"
                              (lambda ()
                                (declare (special test-dial))
                                (let ((myself (self)))
                                  (ask test-dial
                                    (ask-named-item 'test-menu
                                      (remove-menu-items myself))))))))))))

(ask test-dial
  (ask-named-item 'plan-menu
    (setf ccl::style '("monaco" 9 :plain))))