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RE: _PrGeneral

Why not just call the page setup dialog? I have a page setup... menu item which 
does the following: 
(ask (front-window) (page-setup))

(defobfun (window-pagesetup TWindow) ()
        (let ((THPrint (get-print-record)))
            (_PRStlDialog :ptr THPrint :boolean)

Then the next time you print, and get the print record - it will be landscaped, 
Good luck. Printing isn't easy, and has many, many bugs, and workarounds, (not 
in lisp, but in the system..)
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Being encouraged by the success of my last request, let me try another:

Does anyone have code that sets the printer orientation and reduction (what
Apple calls the "rotation" and "resolution") in the printer style dialog?
I know it involves using the _PrGeneral trap and some opcodes to select
sub-routines. However, I'm not that good at writing low-level code yet.

By the way, thanks to everyone who answered my question about the name of
the startup document. The easiest and most useful answer was the function 

                                            --Greg Wilcox
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Subject: _PrGeneral