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- To: info-macl@cambridge.apple.com
- Subject: BackPixPat
- From: lynch@aristotle.ils.nwu.edu (Richard Lynch)
- Date: Wed, 26 Jun 91 14:00:04 CDT
I've set the BackPixPat of a view to a pattern within its
initialize-instance method, but only the areas within a dialog-item's
view-corners are using this PixPat. The rest of the window remains white.
I've tried covering and uncovering the white parts, to no effect. If I
call (invalidate-view <relevant-view> t), the PixPat is used. BUT, as soon
as a portion of the window is covered and uncovered, it reverts to white.
I've tried calling BackPixPat before and after the call-next-method of
view-draw-contents, but this doesn't work either. It would appear (pun
intended) that the PixPat is being ignored by the root view-draw-contents
Any assistance or patches would be appreciated.
"TANSTAAFL" Rich lynch@aristotle.ils.nwu.edu