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Problem with fsOpen and fsRead
- To: info-mcl@cambridge.apple.com
- Subject: Problem with fsOpen and fsRead
- From: djskrien@COLBY.EDU (Dale J. Skrien)
- Date: Fri, 16 Aug 91 15:44:31 -0400
- Cc: djskrien@host0.COLBY.EDU
I have the following code:
(require :mac-file-io)
(defun test (&optional (buffer-size 25))
(let (filename
(buffer (#_newptr buffer-size)))
(setq filename (choose-file-dialog)) ;get a file
(setq paramblock (fsOpen filename)) ;open it
(fsRead paramblock buffer-size buffer) ;try to read from it
(fsclose paramblock)
(#_disposptr buffer)))
After evaluating this code, I repeatedly call (test) and then choose
different files. About half the time, the function "test" works with
no errors, and the rest of the time I get an file error message -36 or
occasionally a -39, even when the file is very large.
Can anyone explain to me why I get these error messages? I can see no pattern
to the fact that "test" works for some files and not others. It even
works sometimes for a file and at other times fails for the
same file.
Dale Skrien