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Forsale: MCL V 2.0b1 + Expert Action!

I have the following forsale:

    Macintosh Common Lisp Version 2.0b1 (free upgrade)
    Expertelligence Action!

These are both brand new, in their original packaging, with all
registration cards and documenatation included. Expertelligence sells
the package for $495.  If you are interested please, send me your
offer. The person closest to $495 gets the package.

In case you don't know, Expertelligence Action! is an "intelligent,
interactive, object-oriented interface development system."  As soon 
as Apple announces a final release, Expertelligence will send you the 
Lisp upgrade for free.

Daniel R. Corpron			UUCP: ...bbn!hri.com!corpron
Horizon Research, Inc.			INET: corpron@hri.com
1432 Main Street
Waltham, MA 02154