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Europal News/Issue 3

Here is a message from David Lloyd, Editor of Europal News, a Europe-based Lisp
newsletter.  Send him mail if you want to subscribe.
If you have created an interesting application using Lisp you might want to
send David a message with a short description of your application.  I'd
appreciate your mentioning if you did it using Macintosh Common Lisp.
--Harvey Alcabes
  MCL Product Marketing Manager
From: David Lloyd <d_lloyd@cix.compulink.co.uk>
Errors-To: lisp-vendors-request@cis.ohio-state.edu
Sender: lisp-vendors-request@cis.ohio-state.edu
To: lisp-vendors@cis.ohio-state.edu
We are now compiling Issue Three of Europal News. The
main copy is almost complete ... although we would
like some more of the following:
   - front page news items: product releases;
           order stories; company news
   - short applications stories (50 words max)
Copy is required by no later than Friday 10th January.
Can you help?
As usual, we are also chasing up any last minute
entries for the Suppliers Directory. Do you have
products and company information that you wish to keep
in front of the Lisp community in Europe and
elsewhere? Each issue of Europal News has generated
well over 100 replies from a circulation of about
1,500 in addition to any direct contact made with
vendors as a result of their entry. If you require
details of the costs for an entry in the Supplier's
Directory please e-mail your name/fax-no to me at:
<d_lloyd@cix.compulink.co.uk> or call +44-306-77331
(fax: +44-306077696).
David Lloyd.
PS: In case you have not seen Europal News ..... it is
a newsletter for Lisp users (and others) that aims to
maintain and develop the free flow of information
between suppliers and users (both actual and
potential). The production costs are shared between
vendors who contribute between about $400 and $1000
each per issue; and the newsletter is (currently)
circulated free to anyone who registers their name. In
return each vendor is provided with space to promote
their products and services plus a reply-card service
to stimulate enquiries. The original "Europal" was a
conference held in the UK in 1990 ... perhaps the
model for LUV and JPAL?